Capri Sun bag

We had a YW combined activity. We had a guest speaker that talked on skin care. We made each girl a Capri Sun bag that we filled with beauty items. listed on the paper. The girls loved the bags and their contents.

Shared by Ruth Bonner

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PICT1663 smallPICT1664 smallcapri sun purse directions small

Beauty Bag

Mirror Remember to reflect your values and the teachings of Christ every day

Sponge Apply repentance to your life daily

Cotton Ball Show others gentleness and compassion.

Emery Board Although life may seem rough at times, our trials will shape our lives

Bandaid Cover and heal the hurts of life with forgiveness

Sunscreen Protect yourself against the influence of Satan

Comb Comb out the snarls of criticism

Nail Polish Polish off each day with prayer

Q Tip The tip of your beauty is charity

Perfume The fragrance of cheerfulness is refreshing

Curler Curl up with your scriptures

Wash Ups Wipe off any bad habits

Lipstick Add color to your life by improving your talents

Foundation A testimony is the foundation around which we build our lives

Moisturizer Read the scriptures each day and absorb the teachings in them

Soap Through the Atonement, our sins can be washed away if we repent

Shampoo Staying clean will help us return to live with Heavenly Father

Oil The gospel gives you a glow that others notice

Lotion Use often to soften the roughest of conditions