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Notice: None of the links work any more to this web site, I guess it has been closed down or hacked in too, either way, I did find this book again, although it is no longer free. You can buy it at


Make a Family Proclamation book featuring pictures of your family illustrating the beautiful values in the proclamation. Jill Means, a R.S. sister from First Ward, and a professional graphic artist, has designed digital templates for the entire Family Proclamation. They are available free of charge on her website Use a graphics program to place your own pictures on the pages, then print at home, or upload them to a company such as Shutterfly for a beautiful bound book. If you needa graphics program, a good one is Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 A lot of people were very excited about it. The biggest challenge was that many people loved the concept and design, but lacked the software (photoshop) or the knowledge to create the book. Now I have a solution! I have partnered with a Photo Book Printing company to provide the template in a drag and drop method – no software required! And this company prints the book for about half the cost of competitors! Go to my website, for more info or to start your book! Start gathering your photos. This would make a lovely Mother’s Day or Father’s Day gift!

