Holiday Blocks Holiday Blocks 2

1. Sand wood, basecoat blocks cream.
2. Look at the above character chart. (You can find this info in the PDF file below) This is what you will put on each block.
3. Lightly mark numbers on blocks with a pen. (This is how you will keep track of which block is which number -very important!!)
4. Using the stencils and the paint pens, paint all of the green letters for blocks 1 thru 16 at the same time.
5. Continue on with the orange color then blue, etc., until you have all four sides and colors completed.
It is helpful to keep your blocks laid out into four rows of four. Start with the top left block and work the same direction with each color. If you keep it in order and look at the chart it shouldn't be too confusing.
(See the attached sheets for all of the seasonal messages and miscellaneous messages that you can use with these fun blocks).

How many of each letter?
A-4, B-1, C-3, D-3, E-4, F-2, G-2, H-3, 1-3, J-1, K-1, L-3, M-2, N-3, 0-4, P-2, Q-1, R-3, S-4 T-3 U-2 V-2 W-3 X-1 Y-1 Z-1

You need to open this PDF fie for the rest of the instructions.