Make your own Note pads

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Note pad glue  tvm3010 091907 stampcraft l  teachergift1-1

Here is the glue that you use to make the note pads, I bought it at Xpedx, for under $10.00 a bottle, this bottle should last me for a LONG LONG time. I have used Elmers glue too, it works fine, not as nice a the stuff you buy but it worked. I have heard you can also use Rubber Cement or a silicone.

Just take a ream of paper (to Kinko’s / Staples places like that), have it cut into what ever size you want the pads to be, for a note pad add a heavy card stock back just to make it better,  them put something VERY heavy on the top of the papers, and apply the glue to one end, don’t move until it is dried.


A good quality commercial padding compound (sometimes called padding glue) is recommended, but rubber cement can be substituted.  Some crafters have used white glue for padding, but I’ve found that it’s not very flexible once it dries, and notepad sheets can break off easily.   Fabric paint, which dries flexible, can also be used.


I actually made some for a handout, there was only about 25 sheets for each  note pad, I cute paper into a 4’s (cut in half then in half again) I printed up a THING TO DO LIST with what were wanted them to know. And printed it with four on a page. I then glued it, tied a bow on it and handout out.


Here is a great how to tutor:

RS notepad invite