RS version of the 14 Day Walk With Christ

RS version of the 14 Day Walk With Christ 14daywk-rs081.pdf425.1 KB This past December when I was teaching the lesson the first Sunday of the month I had a very strong feeling that the Savior wanted to know if the goals we were setting this years as sisters, were going to bring us closer to...
Question to text or email to get to know someone
Where did you grow up? Do you have an brothers and sisters? How did your parents earn a living? What does your family usually do on Sunday? Does your family eat meals together? How long was your longest labor? What has been your favorite family trip? What child was the best sleeper? What is a...
A Walk with Christ- 7 day Program
A Walk with Christ This program is only 7 days, you can put each day in it's own envelope and mark them, then they can be opened each day. Can be followed up with a lesson on Christ. A Walk with Christ This Walk with Christ activity is an opportunity for you to draw closer...
Lion House Pie Crust Secrets
Brenda Hopkin, head baker at the Lion House, teaches how to make Lion House pie crust dough. Super-helpful instructions.
Mormon Women Song
Hope you enjoy Mormon Woman I think it is a very funny song! /wp-content/uploads/2012/05/mormon_woman.mp3 Right click this link and save to target to save it to your computer The text is found at this link Well I ain't never Been the party girl type I'd rather drink some homemade root beer At a fireside...
RS Bulletin Boards idea for Fall
RS Bulletin Boards idea for Fall I wanted to send you a picture of a bulletin board I did last year. I have done many since then but forget to take pictures. Shared by: Jackie P. in the Fountain Stake {AG}Relief Society/BBfall{/AG}
Memory Game
Memory Game If you have heard of the baby shower memory game with the candy bars, it is similar to that. I have a feeling she wont she i will tell you a bit about it. cut paper in squares and make pairs of words like 1. tithing 2. young women 3. testimony 4. exaltation...
Relief Society bulletin board

Here are a few ideas I found well surfing the web, if you have an idea and or a picture you would like to share please email me at We never had a bulletin board when I was in the RS presidency, so we never did one, so my ideas are going to be...
Walk To Zion Program (exercise incentive)
A few weeks ago while I was walking with a friend, she told me of a program they once did in their ward to get the sisters walking.I loved the sounds of it and would like to start something similar on this list since this year marks the 150th anniversary of the Handcart companies crossing...
Where’s Mom, Now that I need her?? (ideas for classes)
Our stake planned a Stake Relief Society, here is what was offered. Tricks of the Trade - Household tricks, tips and hints A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned - Coupons, meal planning, shopping Meet the Chef - Basic cooking knowledge (demonstrations) Emergency 101 - Basic First Aid Now That I Have it, What I...
Service Auction Questionnaire
Name ______________________________ Total Points __________ _____Read the scriptures daily 20 points _____Walk or exercise faithfully 20 points _____Take vitamins every day faithfully 20 points _____Driven downtown in a major city via the freeway in the last year 20 points _____Had a garden this last year 20 points _____Ever changed a tire by yourself 20 points...