As I was preparing a Relief Society lesson based on the new book, Daughters in My Kingdom, The History and Work of Relief Society, I kept feeling promptings that I needed to create a Powerpoint Presentation. I resisted, feeling I may not have the skills or time needed. I couldn’t find one posted on-line either. The promptings kept coming and I kept resisting.
Finally I went to our ward librarian and asked her to pull pictures for my lesson of all the past Relief Society general presidents and any other pictures that look similar to the photos in our new book from our ward library. She immediately said, “I would be happy to, but what you really need to do is a Powerpoint Presentation.” I thought, “Okay, I get it! I’ll do it!”
A couple disclaimers and explanations:
Most of the photos were taken directly from Daughters in My Kingdom, but others were taken from free on-line image sources. For example, for slide #71 a stock photo has been used. I would have liked to use the image that appeared in the Ensign (or Liahona) where the accompanying story was originally published, but only the text, without pictures, is posted on
Download Power Point here