Thank you Shannon Roberts from Brentwood, CA
What is Celestial University?

Celestial University, is a basic Pursuit of Excellence program with a twist.

In the Celestial University program you may earn your Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate degree by obtaining and finishing goals. There are 12 different colleges or areas to earn your degree in. I would advise that you start on your Bachelor's.

Basic goals are to be completed, then signed off and dated by the professor of that particular college.
If you are doing this with a ward or stake Relief Society you will need to assign those skilled in each college to be professors.

Celestial University Objective

The Celestial University's purpose is to offer each sister motivation, opportunity and direction to aid her in reaching her divine potential and destiny as a Daughter of God. If we sisters were to attend college courses offering exactly what is available to us from one another at Relief Society, it would cost us several thousand dollars a year. We are offering a degree which, upon its completion, will have helped to develop a well-rounded individual. Through a raised self-esteem and a sure knowledge that she can improve her life and the lives of those around her, each sister will become an active force in promoting the Kingdom of God on earth.

Start by going through the college classes and choosing those that interest you. (Note: It might be easier to print each college's classes, or writing down on a piece of paper which classes interest you.) When you're done count how many goals you wrote down for each college. If you chose 20 things in one college this shows you what you're most interested in. So you have two choices:

a. If you want the classes you're most interested in, the college with the largest number will be your major. (This of course is the easy way out, not much of a challenge but you will earn your degree at an easy pace.)

b. If you choose the classes with the lowest number, then this is the area that will mostly challenge you. This is what I recommend.

The choice is yours. Remember that you will always have a minimum of 5 goals in Theology, and then added to the bottom of your goal sheet, you will need to pick 3 other colleges to round out your degree.

No matter what degree you choose, you will always have a special project to complete.

For example: At the bottom of your Bachelor's page you must finish a project and make a presentation at any Relief Society Function. Be sure to schedule this time with the Enrichment Counselor.