On this page I will be adding handouts for each lesson in this manual. I admit these are more "cutesy" then not, I have RS Sisters in mind, but you might be able to use them for other classes at
times if you want.
I will have handouts up for each Chapter, I also have bookmarks and a different quotes on 4 x 6 cards.

- Handouts for Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Gordon B. Hinckley
- 01-Chapter 1: The Restoration of the Gospel—The Dawning of a Brighter Day
- 02-Chapter 2: An Ensign to the Nations, a Light to the World
- 03-Chapter 3: Cultivating an Attitude of Happiness and a Spirit of Optimism
- 04-Chapter 4: The Pioneer Heritage of Faith and Sacrifice
- 05-Chapter 5: Daughters of God
- 06-Chapter 6: How Mighty a Thing Is Prayer
- 07-Chapter 7: The Whisperings of the Spirit
- 08-Chapter 8: We Look to Christ
- 09-Chapter 9: The Precious Gift of Testimony
- 10-Chapter 10: Nurturing the Eternal Partnership of Marriage
- 11-Chapter 11: Home—the Basis of a Righteous Life
- 12-Chapter 12: Obedience: Simply Live the Gospel
- 13-Chapter 13: Peace and Contentment through Temporal Self-Reliance
- 14- Chapter 14: Losing Ourselves in the Service of Others
- 15- Chapter 15 The Holy Priesthood
- 16- Chapter 16: The Power of the Book of Mormon
- 17- Chapter 17: Continue in the Great Process of Learning
- 18- Chapter 18: Virtue-a Cornerstone on Which to Build Our Lives
- 19- Chapter 19: Priesthood Leadership in the Church of Jesus Christ
- Chapter 20: Fellowship with Those Who Are Not of Our Faith
- Chapter 21: The Latter-Day Miracle of Missionary Work
- Chapter 22: Reaching Out with Love to New Converts and Less-Active Members
- Chapter 23: The Blessings of the Holy Temple
- Chapter 24: The Atonement of Jesus Christ: Vast in Its Reach, Intimate in Its Effect
- Chapter 25: Move Forward with Faith
- Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Gordon B. Hinckley Bookmarks