Here are a few bookmarks, I have pick 4 different quotes from the introduction of the manual, they are available as 4 x 6 images that you can print at a photo shop then cut in half, or I have them with 4 on a page that you can just print!

I did not pick these quotes from the manual, although they maybe in there, I have not had time to go through the manual yet. But here are the 4 quotes I use on these bookmarks

Be good parents:

"(The Lord) expects us to be good parents, fathers and mothers, husbands and wives. He expects husbands to treat their wives with deference and respect. He expects wives to treat their husbands with kindness and helpfulness. He expects us to be good parents to our children."

On education:

"Education unlocks the door of opportunities. You will rise according to your education. Work at it. Sacrifice for it. Do it. Pray about it, and the Lord will bless you. You will see yourselves rise and become men and women of strength and capacity."

Temple attendance:

"Attend the temple. You will be blessed for so doing. Every man or woman who goes into the house of the Lord leaves there a better man or woman than he or she was when he or she entered the house of the Lord. The house of the Lord will have a refining effect upon you. It will cultivate unselfishness within your lives. It will build righteousness. It will impress upon you the importance of doing what you ought to do. Go to the house of the Lord."he house of the Lord leaves there a better man or woman than he or she was when he or she entered the house of the Lord. The house of the Lord will have a refining effect upon you. It will cultivate unselfishness within your lives. It will build righteousness. It will impress upon you the importance of doing what you ought to do. Go to the house of the Lord."

Live kindly:

"Let us, each of us, watch ourselves. Whenever we have within us a little temper, go outside, breathe some fresh air, and come in with a smile and throw your arms around your companion and tell her you love her. Look to your children and let them know that you love them. Live with them kindly and graciously, as Latter-day Saints should do."