Eternally Wed Questions

1 – What is your spouse’s favorite scripture story?
2 – Would you describe your spouses family more like the … Cleavers, Simpsons, Adams Family?
3 – If your spouse could be a superhero, who would it be?
4 – Where did you and your spouse go on your first date?
5 – What flower would your husband say best describes you? Morning Glory, Day Lilly, Evening Primrose
6 – Who is your spouse’s best friend?
7 – Does your spouse most ofter sleep on his/her … Back, Side, Stomach?
8 – What color is your spouse’s toothbrush?
9 – Which cartoon character best describes your father-in-law? Wile E. Coyote, Yosemite Sam, Fred Flinstone, Homer Simpson
10 – What item could your spouse not pass up if it were on sale?
11 – When faced with a roadblock in life, you … Pass Through It, Go Around It, Go The Other Way?
12 – What is your spouse’s favorite dessert?
13 – Does your spouse snore?
14 – What would your husband say is your favorite kitchen appliance?
15- Of the following, which aggravates your wife the most? Toilet seat being up, Your clothes left all over the floor, Cap left off the toothpaste, Wet towels on the bed or floor
16 – What is your spouse’s favorite sport?
17 – Where is your spouse’s dream vacation spot?
18 – When your wife wakes up in the morning, which bear would describe her best? Grizzly, Polar, Teddy
19 – If you were on the TV show Survivor, what would your one luxury item be?
20 – What was your spouse’s childhood nickname?
21 – If you could make one request of your husband, what would it be? Spend more time with the kids, Spend more time with you, Help do more around the house, Be more romantic.
22 – What best describes your wife’s bedroom closet? Very Organized, Creative, A Disaster
23 – Who is cleaner, you or your spouse?
24 – What is your wife’s favorite restaurant?
25 – What is your spouse’s dream car?
26 – If a movie were made about your life, which actor/actress would best play you?
27 – If you could describe your husband as a fruit, what fruit would it be?
28 – What is your spouse’s favorite song?
29 – What was the most unusual thing that happened on your honeymoon?
30 – Which spouse is the clumsiest?
31 – What is your spouse’s favorite book?
32 – What is your spouse’s favorite food?
33 – What would be your wife’s ideal vacation? A tropical paradise, A woodland retreat, The Holy Land, A European Vacation
34 – What word best describes your husband’s personality? Spontaneous, Predictable, Decisive
35 – If your spouse won tickets to any concert, whom would he/she go see?
36 – What is your spouse’s favorite band?
37 – What are the ages of your children?
38 – Which spouse is more forgetful?
39 – What is your wife’s favorite flower?
40 – What ethnic food does your spouse like best?
41 – What gift would your wife like to receive the most? Clothing, Something for the house, Something romantic, Jewelry

42 – If you and your husband were among the wandering Israelites in the desert, what would your husband complain about most? The foods, The crowd, The heat.
43 – If your wife could change one thing about you, what would it be?
44 – If you and your wife were on Noah’s Ark, after forty days, what is the main thing your wife would complain about? The smell, The mess, The weather.
45 – What is the name of your spouse*s favorite cologne/perfume?
46 – What is the name of the hotel you stayed in on your honeymoon?
47 – Which one of the Seven Dwarves best describes your wife in the morning?
48 – Who received the last traffic ticket, you or your spouse?
49 – What is your spouse’s favorite movie?
50 – Does your spouse like the toilet paper over or under?
51 – Finish this sentence. If I was Prince Charming and she was Cinderella, I would know exactly what size the glass slipper would be. It would be a size _____.
52 – If your wife had one thing she could change about herself, what would it be?
53 – What is your spouse’s least favorite chore around the house?
54 – What meal would your wife most likely cook for guests?
55 – Would you say your wife is … Always ready on time, Mostly ready on time, Mostly Late, Always Late.
56 – Who washes more dishes? Him, Her, 50/50
57 – What is your wife’s favorite store to shop in?
58 – What is your spouse’s favorite color?
59 – What first attracted you to your spouse?
60 – What is your wife’s favorite hobby?