We have one couple who is the Stake Single Adult Advisor Couple.
They have 3 callings:
1.     YSA Advisor Couple for the Stake
a.     Each ward has an advisor couple and a girl and boy rep from that ward
b.     You also have a Presidency and secretary pulled from YSA in the
Stake.  They help you plan all activities, attend ward conferences and help
the ward advisor couples with inactives or anything that needs to be done.
They are called the Institute Presidency because they also conduct
c.     You do a training meeting once a year for these people
d.    Quarterly you will have a meeting and invite the advisor couple from
each ward, the two reps, the Bishopric member over YSA, the Institute
presidency and Stake President member over YSA.
2.    In our stake, we have a singles ward.  You are the YSA Advisor Couple
for this ward.  You attend this ward weekly.
a.     Hold monthly activities for all of Stake
b.     Send emails to advisor couples from each ward and they invite kids
from their wards to our activities
c.     Quarterly activity that is larger than normal
d.     Monthly birthday dinner
e.     Monthly Girls Night Out
f.     Other activities as needed
3.     Institute
a.     Teach weekly
b.     CES broadcasts
c.     90% attendance steak dinner, just an idea
d.     Refreshments for class each week, just an idea
e.     Graduation
Responsibilities of Stake YSA Calling,

1.       Encourage each ward to have an advisor couple and YM & YW Reps
called and functioning.
2.    Advise and teach all ward YSA Advisor couples and reps about their
callings as they are called.
3.     Have quarterly training meeting with ward advisor couples, reps and
Bishopric advisor.  Member of Stake Presidency over YSA attends also.
a.     Meet together with SA and then break into departments
b.     February, May, August, November, 7:00 at the Stake Center
c.     Discuss status of kids in their wards
d.     Discuss activities and things we can do to help them activate
e.     If ward doesn¹t have reps or advisor couple, ask Bishopric member to
attend to give accounting of YSA in their ward.
f.     The Stake Presidency plans this agenda and conducts but they will ask
for your input.
4.     Help and encourage all YSA throughout the stake to come to activities
and church
5.     Have activities to promote friendships among YSA.  Ideas:
a.     Have monthly movie night (or some other activity) that all of stake
is invited to.
b.     Have quarterly service project?
c.     Have monthly birthday dinner that all of stake is invited to.
d.     Have Girls Night Out monthly, or as possible.
e.     Have quarterly major activity that all of region is invited to.
f.     These activities are planned with the YSA/Institute Presidency
8.     Attend Ward Conference
a.     Attend the ward council meeting before each Sacrament meeting
b.     Ask them to have a monthly ward YSA committee meeting the week before
Ward Conference and we attend that.
c.     Remind advisor couple and reps to bring us a list of kids in their
d.     Go over the list and have them report on the status of each
e.     Attend their SS class
f.     Remind them of their responsibilities
g.     Any training that needs to be done
9.     Let each Advisor Couple and Reps know about our upcoming activities.
10.   Have YSA President, 2 counselors and secretary called as often as is
necessary.  Names are to be turned into the High Councilor over YSA.
11.      Attend Bishop¹s training meeting to train Bishoprics about YSA and
12.   Write activity history quarterly and turn in to Stake Secretary, you
can assign it to someone
13.    Attend Stake Council Meeting quarterly, 7:30 Sunday morning 1st
Sunday of the month, February, May, August, November.
14.    Have planning meeting, (Presidency Meeting) monthly.   The President
will do the agenda for this meeting.
15.    Attend regional YSA Correlation meeting, first Friday of each month,
8:00 at Stake Center, called IRAC meeting
16.    Remind Advisor Couples of meetings
17.    Remind Reps of meetings
18.    Help plan YSA Conferences yearly, regional, planned at the IRAC
19.    Make a confidential list of YSA in the stake that could use a
calling, and that could help with specific projects.

Responsibilities of Institute Calling

1.       Teach Institute weekly
2.    Our class meets in the cultural hall at 7:30
3.     Have each person that comes fill out an Institute Registration Form.
A copy of it is in this notebook.
4.     The class president will begin class, arrange for prayers and song
and inspirational thought.
5.     Contact YM/YW Presidents in wards for list of all graduating seniors.
Start in February.  It takes FOREVER to get them.
6.     Help in the transition of YM/YW from high school to YSA.
7.     Have welcome introduction for graduating seniors.  Ideas:
a.     Visit seminaries and introduce Institute and YSA
b.     Have dinner, introduce Institute and YSA and invite them to
8.     Keep track of those attending our class
9.     Keep track of their credits earned
10.   Keep track of awards earned
11.      Keep track of awards and certificates given
12.   Plan Institute graduation with other teachers, CES director and YSA
13.    An idea to promote Institute attendance is to have a steak dinner for
those that had 90% attendance that semester of Institute.
14.    Fill out Institute history form yearly and send to CES director
15.    Budget covers:
a.     CES broadcast refreshments,  $10.00 each
b.     Institute graduation
c.     Christmas party at Institute
d.     Dance refreshments, twice a year
16.    Budget for Institute is $290 per semester (3 semesters per year)
17.    Receipts to be mailed to CES director

c.     You must send in the Reimbursement Request form found in this
notebook also.
d.     Have everyone mail them to you so you can keep track of totals.
18.    All reimbursements must be in by mid December of each year to be
19.    You can also be reimbursed for mileage to and from Institute.
20.        Make sure class president and maybe co-president are called and
orient them of their responsibilities, you call them directly, may get
approval from Bishop, but not needed.
21.   CES monthly inservice for institute teachers, Saturday mornings.
22.            Set up for CES Broadcast each month
23. Provide refreshments for CES Broadcast each month, or assign someone to
do it.
24.     The monthly dances, held at the … building on the first Friday of
month come under the jurisdiction of Institute, hence the money for
refreshments comes out of the Institute budget.  We are in charge of
two per
year.  Regional meeting will give us calendar.  We provide chaperones
refreshments and drinks for those dances we are in charge of.  (why
are we
providing adult chaperones to chaperone adults?  Hmmmmm) I don¹t
know why
these fall under Institute, but was told they do.
25.     Help plan yearly Institute calendar, coordinate with other two
i.     Who teaches what, when
ii.     Days for holidays, etc.
iii.     One teacher always teaches the
same curriculum as Seminary

WARD YSA Advisor Couple

1. Invite YSA¹s to participate in church attendance, activities and
2. Show personal concern and be a friendship link to the ward for all YSA¹s
of record
3. Work with ward clerk to update records of all YSA¹s (addresses, move
outs, etc.)
4. Be direct link to Bishopric and Bishopric member over YSA status and
5. Attend Ward Correlation Council on a monthly basis as invited by
6. Determine YSA SS needs and serve as teachers (SS Pres and Bishopric
7. Coordinate with YM/YW leaders for transition of graduating seniors to YSA
8. Publicize all YSA regional, stake and single ward activities back to the
9. Ensure that all YSA activity info is included in ward bulletin
10. Encourage and monitor Institute attendance
11. Help bishopric member plan and hold a monthly Ward YSA Committee meeting
12. Coordinate all YSA activities with Stake YSA advisory couple and High
Council rep.
13. Attend Stake YSA Committee meeting each quarter
14. Participate in and accept assignments for regional and stake YSA
15. Determine home/visiting teaching needs with Elders/Relief Society
16. Hold monthly meeting with Bishop, two reps, RS President, EQ President
and Missionary Group leader. Coordinate and advise of help you need to
activate YSA
17. Hold FHE for YSA, as often as possible.
18. Have activities for your ward¹s YSA.
19. Maybe have monthly or quarterly birthday parties
20.Attend CES Broadcasts monthly, encouraging your YSA to come also.

3 Step Plan – – Two months

1. Gather names, contact information for all YSA in each ward, first week.
Contact each to determine status, plans, etc. and develop relationship,
first month.
2. Plan monthly activity, second month
3. Have SS class for YSA age group

1. Encourage fellow YSA¹s to participate in church attendance, activities
and Institute
2. Coordinate with YSA Advisory Couple for contacting YSA¹s on a regular
3. Alert Ward Advisory Couple of any YSA status change (addresses,
move-outs, etc.)
4. Be direct link to Ward Advisory Couple of YSA needs
5. Attend Ward Correlation Council on a monthly basis as invited by
6. Help with transition of graduating seniors to YSA
7. Help publicize all YSA regional, stake and singles ward activities back
to the ward
8. Attend Institute
9. Attend the Ward YSA Committee meeting monthly
10. Attend Stake YSA Committee meeting each quarter
11. Participate in and accept assignments for regional and stake YSA

WARD BISHOP¹S RESPONSIBILITIES (or designated counselor)

1. Chair the Ward Young Single Adult committee
2. Call a YSA Advisor Couple
3. Call a YW Rep and a YM Rep
4. Hold monthly meeting with the Reps, the Advisor couple, RS President,
Elders Quorum President and Missionary Group Leader to coordinate activities
and needs of YSA
5. Attend quarterly Stake YSA Committee Meeting
6. Staff ward Sunday School class for the YSA age group
7. Attend yearly Stake YSA training meeting
8. Insure your  ward YSA reps and Advisor couple are coordinating with Stake
and Regional YSA.

Responsibilities of Stake YSA Committee:

1. Be the welcoming committee at activities and Institute.  When you see
someone new or by themselves, welcome and introduce them to someone else.
2. Divide Stake and each of the presidency take a ward to be in charge of
a.     Contacting each rep weekly
b.     Cultivate good relationship with the kids in that ward
c.     Make sure they know about our activities
d.     Attend their monthly planning meeting.
e.     Help them set goals for reaching their YSA¹s, 1 or 2 ³low-lying
fruit² per month.
f.     Encourage them in their callings, see what we can do to help.
1. Attend your assigned ward monthly
2. Ask to meet with your Bishopric advisor in your wards to explain our
focus and goals, maybe even in ward council meeting
3. Help them get their list of YSA and check on their status
4. Attend Ward Conferences
5. Attend Presidency meeting monthly, 2nd Sunday at 5:00 prepared to report
about any assignments you have been given.
6. As you receive updates to your ward¹s list of YSA (address change,
birthdate, etc.) please email them to all of us.  I will change them on the
master list and reprint them periodically for everyone.
7. Give ideas for monthly and quarterly activities and help make them

Proposed division of responsibilities:

President:          1. Help with graduation, certificates, Help me figure
out who gets what
certificate, who has how many hours, etc.
2. Fill out the Institute history form each semester and submit it to
Brother Weber
3. Attend Regional IRAC meeting,
4. Coordinate regional activities
5. Send email to your ward¹s rep and bulletin person so that our activities
get in their ward¹s bulletin.

1st counselor:     1. Come up with one or two class ideas that you would
like to see taught at Institute in our class.  We¹ll discuss it at the
beginning of each semester previous.
2.    Attend Regional IRAC meeting if president can¹t go.
3.     Make a calendar each semester of Institute classes, at least 15 of
them.  Put in breaks around holidays if you feel it necessary.  Have a copy
ready a couple months before the beginning of each year.
4.     Send email to your ward¹s rep and bulletin person so that our
activities get in their ward¹s bulletin.

2nd counselor:     1. Write activity history quarterly and turn in to me, or
assign someone to
do it.  (To be done each March, June, September, December.)  It needs to
be sent to the Stake Clerk.
> 1. Send email to your ward¹s rep and bulletin person so that our activities
> get in their ward¹s bulletin.

Secretary       :    1. Send out reminder emails, list follows
2. Send email to your ward¹s rep and bulletin person so that
our activities
get in their ward¹s bulletin.
For Ward Conferences

1.  Do you have a Ward Young Single Adult Advisor Couple called and
fulfilling their calling? Yes ____  No ____
2.  Do you have a female and a male Young Single Adult Rep called and
fulfilling their calling? Yes ____  No ____
3.  Is the Young Single Adult Committee Meeting held monthly?  Yes ____  No
4.  As a minimum, does at least one member of the Bishopric attend and
preside in the YSA Meeting? Yes _____  No _______
5.  Does the YSA Advisory Couple, YSA Reps attend?  Yes ____  No ____
6.  Does the Relief Society President and Elders quorum President attend?
Yes ____ No ____
7.  Are ward YSA activities held on a regular and consistent basis?  Yes
____  No ____
8.  Are the CES Firesides provided in your building?  Yes ____  No ____
9.  Are these firesides announced and is there an effort made to get the
YSA¹s to attend?  Yes ____  No ____
10.      Are there efforts established which will help the YM and YW youth
move into the YSA program? Yes ____  No ____