In our Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness, the only way to obtain exaltation is through the new and everlasting covenant of celestial marriage (see D&C 131:1–3). When a man and a woman are sealed to each other for time and all eternity in the temple, they have the assurance that their relationship will continue forever if they are true to their covenants. They know that nothing, not even death, can permanently separate them.

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Look in our Marriage and Temple area for more ideas: Marriage / Temples

Prepare yourself spiritually

Why is temple marriage important to you? What blessings does this ordinance provide for you and your family?

What righteous examples of temple marriage do the young women have? How can you help instill in them a greater desire to be sealed in the temple?

Prayerfully study these scriptures and other resources. What resources will help the young women understand the significance of temple marriage and increase their resolve to be married in the temple someday?

D&C 49:16–17 (Marriage helps fulfill the purpose of creation)

D&C 131:1–4; 132:15–21 (Eternal marriage is required for exaltation)

The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2010, 129

Henry B. Eyring, “Families under Covenant,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2012, 62–65

Russell M. Nelson, “Celestial Marriage,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2008, 92–94

Richard G. Scott, “The Eternal Blessings of Marriage,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2011, 94–97

Our Temple Marriage Was Worth Any Price,” Liahona, Oct. 2010, 69–70

Marriage,” True to the Faith (2004), 97–101

Teaching in the Savior’s way

The Savior invited His followers to act in faith and live the truths He taught. How can you invite the young women to increase their resolve to marry in the temple and live the truths they will learn together?

Video: “Ask Us Questions”

Watch more

Share experiences

At the beginning of each class, invite the young women to share, teach, and testify about the experiences they have had applying what they learned in the previous week’s lesson. This will encourage personal conversion and help the young women see the relevance of the gospel in their daily lives.

Introduce the doctrine

See other learning and teaching ideas.

Choose from these ideas or think of your own to introduce this week’s lesson:

  • Before the young women arrive in the class, write on the board, “Why is temple marriage important?” Invite them to think about this question as they read “Our Temple Marriage Was Worth Any Price.” Why was temple marriage so important to the couple in this story? Encourage the young women to share their thoughts.
  • If possible, show a picture from the day you were sealed in the temple, and describe some of the thoughts and feelings you had (or show a picture of a bride and groom in front of the temple [see Gospel Art Book, 120]). Ask the young women why they believe temple marriage is important.

Learn together

See other learning and teaching ideas.

Each of the activities below can help the young women learn why temple marriage is important. Following the guidance of the Spirit, select one or more that will work best in your class:

  • Invite the young women to imagine they have a friend who wonders why they have the goal of a temple marriage instead of simply a civil marriage. Ask them to read the scriptures suggested in this outline or “The New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage” in True to the Faith (page 98) and look for words and phrases they could use to write a letter to their friend. Encourage them to explain in the letter the importance of eternal marriage. Invite them to share with the class what they wrote in their letters.
  • Bring two or three objects (or pictures of objects) that demonstrate varying levels of quality (for example, a plastic spoon and a silver spoon). Ask the young women to discuss why the object of high quality is better than the lower-quality object. Ask the young women to read, watch, or listen to the first part of Elder Russell M. Nelson’s talk “Celestial Marriage,” in which he compares marriage to shopping. What makes temple marriage more valuable than any other kind of marriage? Ask the young women why they want to have a temple marriage.
  • Give each young woman a copy of Elder Richard G. Scott’s talk “The Eternal Blessings of Marriage.” How did Elder Scott feel about his eternal companion? What impresses the young women about his relationship with his wife? Ask them to ponder what it would take to achieve a relationship like Elder and Sister Scott’s.
  • As a class, read D&C 131:1–4 and “The New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage” in True to the Faith (page 98), looking for answers to the question “Why is temple marriage important?” If necessary, help the young women define any unfamiliar words or phrases. Ask class members to list some things that might keep young women from marrying in the temple. What can they do now to make sure they marry in the temple?

Ask the young women to share what they learned today. Do they understand the importance of temple marriage? What feelings or impressions do they have? Do they have any additional questions? Would it be helpful to spend more time on this doctrine?

Teaching tip

“Stories can awaken learners’ interest. We can often teach a principle more effectively when we first share a story to illustrate it. This helps learners understand the principle in terms of everyday experiences” (Teaching, No Greater Call [1999], 93).

Live what we are learning

See other learning and teaching ideas.

Invite the young women to consider how they will live by what they have learned today. For example, they could:

  • Write a letter to themselves to be opened before their wedding day, stating the importance of a temple marriage and their current desires of attaining this righteous goal.
  • Post a picture of the temple where they will see it often, and place near the picture a simple statement expressing their goal and determination to marry in the temple someday.

Share with the young women what they will be studying next week. What can they do to prepare to learn? For example, they could read a talk, watch a video, or study a scripture related to next week’s lesson.