Leaving Young Womens
Senior Sunday
Senior Sunday On a Sunday close to Graduation we have a special Sunday for the Senior girls, we have their Mom's come in, they tell us a little bit about them, show pictures, we give them a gift, and introduce them to RS, as well as give them a packag about RS. Also our girls...
Poem about Young Women Time Ending
Poem about Young Women Time Ending As Young Women EndsAs your time in Young Women comes to an endYou look back with a tear in your eye.All the things you have done and the things you have learnedAnd now you are saying good-bye.You have grown from a little BeehiveTo a beautiful mature grown girl.You have...
Laurel Graduation Brunch
Laurel Graduation Brunch We have a laurel graduation brunch with graduating laurels and their mother's. We also invite laurel advisers and relief society presidency. We start with prayer, brunch, then while we are eating we have the laurels tell us what their future plans are. We havethe YW president speak on the mutual theme of...
Laurel Legacy
Laurel Legacy We have a Laurel Legacy just before camp to get our Laurels jazzed up to be YCLs, but we incorporate mini-classes that they suggest, and it has been great for the last two years! You might think about doing something like that in conjunction with the Stake, maybe, so your girls don't feel...
Relief Society Objectives notebook for YW entering RS

Relief Society Objectives notebook for YW entering RS Hi my name is Pennee, I live in Utah I made this little booklet for my secret sister that is transitioning into Relief Society this summer to just introduce her to a few of the objectives, purposes, and motto of the Relief Society. (according to www.lds.org, alot of them...