Here is a list of other YW pages. there are all different kinds of pages
Other ideas for girls leaving YW
Other ideas One thing that a mother shared with me a few months ago was how she'd like to see the RS sisters duplicate what you experience in the temple when you go your first time. She shared how the sweet matrons are so friendly and abundant! You can't go to the wrong place because...
YW 2013 Bookmarks

YW / YM 2013 Bookmarks You can print the 4 x 6 photo cards out and then cut them in half. And 2 files of PDF ym 2013 bookmark.jpg1.04 MB yw 2013 bookmark 1.jpg903.54 KB yw 2013 bookmark 3.jpg1.49 MB yw 2013 bookmark 2.jpg2.29 MB PDF FILE yw 2013 bookmarks 4on a full page.pdf10.02 MB
Leaders Binder Covers

Leaders Binder Covers Here are some binder fronts, I just have the Young Women's Presidency's done right now. I will work on more and other versions soon. These are sized as 8 x 10's Here are some helps! Adding Text to an image! Downloading an image or file Printing an image step by...
IDEAS FOR HELPING YOUNG WOMEN MAKE THE TRANSITION TO RELIEF SOCIETY The following ideas were passed on to me from Sharma Worthen Anderson, she has collected these over the years, if some one recognizes an idea that is theirs, please let me know and I will give you full credit! Thanks Liz Many have asked...
Orientation Young Women Leaders Booklet
Orientation Young Women Leaders Booklet Here is a booklet I put together that we handed out to all the YW leaders Here are some ideas of What to put in a leaders binder For The Standards of youth YW CAMP Manual Personal Progress Person Progress Journal Guidebook for Parents and Leaders of Youth True...
Locker Pockets
Locker Pockets We are making locker pockets, or pencil pockets out of denim pockets. You cut out the back pockets of old jeans, with the front and back of the pocket in tact, so that it is a pocket still. Then, the girls are bringing all kinds of cute patches, puff paint, glue on jewels...
Safety Guidelines for Activities
Safety Guidelines for Activities I recently sat in a meeting with our Bishopric where we were being trained, they had just recently attend a little Phillmont for scouting in the church (2/28/09), at this meeting they were told that the church would like ALL organizations, (YW, YM, Primary, RS, Ward Activities) to follow the BSA...
Back to School Survival Kit
Back to School The second thing is a BACK TO SCHOOL activity we are planning to do using the "Survival Kit for camp leaders" offered on the list a while ago. We will have the girls pull the items with the notes attached, out of a backpack and read the note, then they can keep...
Temple Slipper Poem
Temple Slippers Sweet daughter of God, the path you tread That's brought you here today Is but a tiny stepping stone To help you on your way. Keep in mind that Heavenly hosts Will guard you day and night If you'll but follow the gospel plan And strive to choose the right. You'll find no...
To Young Women

To Young Women Jeffrey R. Holland Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles Be a woman of Christ. Cherish your esteemed place in the sight of God. He needs you. This Church needs you. The world needs you. Father Time played a rude trick on me just a few months ago. I arose one morning...
General Young Women Meetings Invites

General Young Women Meetings Invites Here is a invite you can print off to give Here are blank ones you can add your own text to. Click here for more info on Adding Text to an image! Download here:{phocadownload view=category|id=1123|target=s}
Sacrament Book ( For Youth)

Sacrament Book (For Youth) Shared by: CHarrison in Orem, UT - Thanks I searched the internet for a book I could give my young women to help them ponder on ordinances and the particularly the sacrament. I couldn't find what I wanted so I created something using things I found. I don't know if...
YW Missed You Note Cards

Here are some post cards I made, that we would send out weekly to the girls that were not there on Sunday. We would sometimes have the girls sign their name or write a short note on each card during class. ywmissyou.pdf2.17 MB yw miss you card4.pdf87.89 KB yw miss you...
If this isn’t your castle… (for YW and young girls)

If this isn't your castle then you're not my prince Image Resolution Downloading an image or file This is sized as a 4 x 6 image castle prince theideadoor.jpg2.46 MB Here is one that is 8 x 10 castle prince theideadoor 8 x...
Ten Virtues of a Righteous Women

The Virtues of Righteous Daughters of God President James E. Faust Second Counselor in the First Presidency I encourage you to strengthen the virtues you have already acquired and resolve to develop many others. James E. Faust, “The Virtues of Righteous Daughters of God,” Ensign, May 2003, 108 My dear young sisters, I am overwhelmed...
YW Leaders Handbook Quiz
YW Leaders Handbook Quiz (based off old handbook) YW Handbook Quiz Answers 1. What is our responsibility toward Young Women with disabilities? 2. How can you effectively plan a presidency meeting? 3. What is the purpose of Ward Council? How often does it meet? 4. Who attends Bishopric Youth Committee Meeting? 5. Are videos appropriate for a Y.W. Activity? 6. Are fund...
1916 Beehive Requirements
In 1916, every female over fourteen was a Beehive girl until she entered the Relief Society; there were no Mia Maids, Gleaners, or Laurels. The following are 20 out of the 373 requirements possible for a Beehive girl to earn her awards:1. Care successfully for a hive of bees for one season and know their...
Handout binder
Handout binder We gave each girl a ½"-sized binder, but instead of pocket pages, we just used page protectors. In the many YW books idea we inherited in our closet, the PP leader found cute pages to copy for each value. She copied each one in its color and the girls use them as page...
10 virgins
We did this for an activity night. We told the girls we were going to make cookies for our activity and had them sign up for an ingredient to bring. We had our activity at the church and the leaders made sure not to bring anything (no ingredients or measuring cups etc.) just a bowl...
Young Women Planners 2012-2013 (Printable)

Thanks so much to Ericka for sharing this planner, this is a lot of work, so we all thank you big time!!! Ericka wrote: I create this Planner for my YW for this upcoming school year. Just wanted to share! Ericka N Yuma, AZ You can download it from her blog: Cover...
T-shirt Transfers
We just had a fun and successful mutual night, so I thought I would share. A few weeks ago we had fun making our own Mormon ads with markers, stencils, lettering, etc. So, that turned into "wouldn't this be cool to wear to school" which turned into our mutual night last night... We did iron...
Everything I Needed to Know I Learned in Young Women
Everything I Needed to Know I Learned in Young Women Thought I would share with you what we did last night at our YWIE. Our theme was, "Everything I Needed to Know I Learned in Young Women". (This was a "take" on the book, "Everything I Needed to Know, I Learned in Kindergarten" Speaker -...