YW Birthday candy bar wrappers
Thanks to Tara L. for sharing these great candybar wrappers.
Here are some birthday candybar wrappers (in .pdf file format) I did for our YW. They’re sized to fit the king size candy bars. We buy the king size candy bars at the dollar store and have our local copy shop print our wrappers. Hope they help someone! 🙂
Tara L.
yw_flowers_birthday_candy_bar_king_size.pdf576.04 KB
{edocs}/images/Young Women/Candy Wrappers/yw_flowers_birthday_candy_bar_king_size.pdf,600,400,link{/edocs}
{edocs}/images/Young Women/Candy Wrappers/yw_paisley_birthday_candy_bar_king_size.pdf,600,400,link{/edocs}
{edocs}/images/Young Women/Candy Wrappers/yw_polka_dot_birthday_candy_bar_king_size.pdf,600,400,link{/edocs}
{edocs}/images/Young Women/Candy Wrappers/yw_values_birthday_candy_bar_king_size.pdf,600,400,link{/edocs}