Sorry I do not have the name of the Sister that shared this idea with me. But thanks!!!

We just had our YWIE and our theme was called the Crown You Earn .. we strung lights up in the  cultural hall and opened up the overflower from the chapel so that  the YW could display their projects.  It was a fair tale type scenery.

The talks were very good ..
Your Knight in Shining Armor – Your Eternal Companion
Fighting the Dragons of Life – Using Scripture Study and Prayer through Trying times …
Only one Slipper that fits – Patriachal Blessings
Prince & Savior – Atonement

The girls sang a couple of different new songs .. one was called;  when all is said and done the other .. the olive tree.  The laurels  in charge did a skit at the end; it was so cute!!!  Then we had awards; because we didn’t have too many girls receive emblems; we  recognized all the girls and had them come up one at a time for recogntion and gave them the royal decree and then we award emblems  to the YW that finished their projects.

The royal decree had a cute poem (click here for poem) and then a copy of each talk that they heard that evening.  We thought this was a good idea because  when we hear terrific talks we are always kicking ourselves for not writing it down .. the speakers gave me a copy of their talk the week  before (via email and I copied to be put in the royal decree. (Copies of the talks where never given to me, so sorry I do not have copies of them)

Food was finger foods .. and our YW President did an awesome job with turkey roll up’s crackers with cheese, veggie tray (tons of stuff)- she had it all on platters .. it was really good.. we had a sheet cake.  Everything was perfect.

Earlier in the year we had a YW make a castle painting out of card board for new begginings (Theme: You are a Princess) and we used it  again for YWIE ..

Although, I do believe that our YWIE was focused more towards the parents than the YW; it was still good for all to hear .. we limited the talks to 5-10 minutes (to give them leeway .. most took 10 minutes which was good).