You must have been a beautiful baby, cause look at ya now!

A few weeks ago, someone posted an idea centered around the saying,”You must have been a beautiful baby, cause look at ya now!”

I’m not sure if that was the exact saying, but something close to it.

For YWIE, I’m going to do a slideshow presentation of all the girls.  Before hand, I’m going to secretly ask the parents what value represents their daughter the most. I’m going to have them write 3-4 sentences about that and put that in the slide show as well.  So, I’m hoping since we have 30 girls that all values will be represented.  I’m also going to put in pictures of activities that were done throughhout the year under what value they represented.  Putting this with music, I’m hoping this will turn out really nice.
They did something similar to this for an Enrichment Night and everyone LOVED IT!

I would love to somehow incorporate the quote stated above.  Putting their baby picture next to their current picture in the slideshow.  I was wandering if there was a fun story to go along with this quote.

Any help would be much apprectiated!
