Book of Mormon ideas

(used at at camp)

The second day there, we had the tribes write their testimonies on their flags and we went out and played capture the flag using nerf swords. The rules were if you got hit in the arm, you lost an arm, hit in the leg, you hopped around on one leg, NO HITTING HEADS or you were out. The youth thoroughly LOVED THIS!!!  The fun part for us leaders were—-we were the Lamanites, and on our flag we wrote the scripture in 3 Nephi 3:8 about surrendering or they would become extinct….which got the youth pretty excited.  Our secret weapons were the mini-marshmallow blow guns, and the adults had more fun than the youth with those.  What was funny was the youth got creative and turned their nerf
swords into blow guns by removing the duct tape, and fired right back at us.  The Lamanites also had water balloons and flour bombs (Kleenex’s with 1/4 cup flour tied with string. They burst on contact and mark their victim)  When the youth complained about us cheating, I told them we had just prepared for the battle…which stopped them in their tracks.
Later in the day after we hiked the slot canyons, our YM had the youth search for a piece of wood they could make a bow out of and gave them some strong string to make a bow & arrow (Nephi), and then had them shoot at a rock animal. —their reward was a bag of jerky.  And then gave them GPS’s to use with co-ordinates that would lead them to the fountain of flowing water (GPS’s stood for liahona’s and the flowing waters were a cooler of cold drinks)  This all lead up to testimony meeting later that night. I hope this gives you some ideas— our youth are still raving about the battle.  Good luck!  Hope for good
weather!  Janet Ross