by: Mary Cavenee

Believe In Me copy

Guess what another song from Mary called “Courage to Stand” Check it out!

Believe In Me was written by Mary Cavenee for our 2009 Stake Girls Camp, it is a beautiful song, Mary is so kind to let everyone enjoy it and use it for FREE. You can read what she has to say about the song below.

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My thoughts on the Song:

I was asked to find a song for our Stake Young Women’s 2009 camp theme:  “Believe in Me” last December.  I thought I would find an EFY song or Hymn…but felt impressed when they asked me in January of what I was going to do…I told them:  “”I think I am going to write a song””.  This is because all of December I literally felt and heard someone singing the melody to me.  I would walk into my bathroom and closet and to my bedroom and I could hear music in my mind.  I sat on my bed and prayed and within a few minutes the entire melody was figured out.  My husband is quite a poet and I asked for his help with the words…but all that he was coming up with didn’t sound like it was coming from a girl’s perspective.  I sat in my shower (my Sanctuary….love that place) and prayed and literally felt a sweet wave of inspiration and the dual idea of a girl looking at herself and then looking at the Savior came.  The words came just as easy. It was a sweet and sacred experience for me….a tender mercy. I have never written a song before.  I didn’t touch the piano once for this song…it was given to me and I believe it was because I needed the message as much as the girls in our Stake do.  It is very simple and in a simple key…and set in a low range….because  I wanted it to be accessible to beginning musicians.   I feel this is a universal theme….our lives are really up to us and our belief in ourselves and in our Savior is the catalyst of all we do and become in this life.  It’s all about seeing our eternal self worth and remembering who we are and where we come from.  And the adversary knows that negative self talk and self doubt will be his weapon.  I have felt both sides and know this is something many of us struggle with.  Have Faith!  Be Believing! (All capitals in the text of the song refer to the Savior…they are not misprints.) If we always kept in mind our own plans and desires for our lives before we came down here to earth… we would remember our glorious Divinity. -Mary

Believe In Me

As I look in the mirror,

This girl staring back at me

Is a picture of Divinity

So just what will my life be?

Will I choose the Right and feel God’s Light

Or doubt my certainty?

This girl smiled and said “There is one most needful thing”:

Believe in Me

Believe in all that you can be.

Believe in Me

Believe in all that He can see.

In this world, there’s a simple way to feel God’s Light-

If you will listen. …

And believe in me.


As I look in the picture

Of my Savior’s loving face,

I feel His love surround me

And I’m wrapped in His embrace.

His sacrifice and perfect life

Atone for you and me.

I can see Him smile and say most tenderly:

Believe in Me

Believe in all that I can be.

Believe in Me

Believe in all that I can see.

In this world of doubt and darkness you will feel My light-

If you will listen. …

And believe in Me.

I believe in me

I believe in all that I can be. ..

I believe in me

I believe in all that He can see -in me

In this world of doubt and darkness -I’ll choose Hope and Light!

And I will listen…..

I believe in me!