YW Camp skit/song about the 100 year anniversary of Girls Camp

Shared by: T. Moon from Kearns, Utah

Since this year is the 100 year anniversary of the first YW camp, we as leaders decided to do a skit about what is was like at the first YW camp.

I got all the information for the song from what was posted on lds.org about the first camp in 1912.



Sung to the tune of – “Book of Mormon Stories”

Written by – T. Moon from Kearns, Utah


The first young women’s camp was 100 years ago,

We are going to sing this song so that you will know.

What camp was like back then in the year of 1912.

Listen up and you will learn for your self.


They slept in a sleeping room, no-ot   i-in tents,

And the cost of camp per girl was sixty fi-ive cents.

Eighty two young women attended camp that year,

Fifteen leaders also went and brought the gear.


Now our rhyme will te-each you some things they had to do,

Knot tying and fire building, just the same as you.

They also learned of flowers, grass, insects and plants,

And at night, round the campfire, did sing and dance.


They had to build a tree house big enough for two,

If you had to do-oo that – would you have a clue?

Would you know 6 bla-a-zes the In-dians used?

Those are trail signs so you don’t get confused.


On the last day of their camp they took a hayrack ride,

Although it didn’t say, we’re sure it was outside.

When camp was over they were sad to see it end,

But were glad they had the chance to attend.


Now 100 years later it i-is your-r turn,

To be at camp, have some fun a-and to-oo learn.

We were glad to be with you, this week was rather fun,

Thanks to those first campers – but now our song is done!