A skit based on the FSOY standards

Here is a cute idea from Krista, who is on the email list lds-youngwomen that I am on, she sent in this cute idea and I asked her if I could post it, she said yes!! Thanks Krista!!

She wrote the cute song! Good JOB Krista


I wanted to share a great activity our stake planned for standards night.  they asked each ward/branch to prepare a skit based on the FSOY standards.  we met at the stk ctr and they performed on the stage.  The youth really got into it and it was so fun to see what each group came up with.

We did a play of the Brady Bunch!  thought I would share it because it could be used for other purposes too!

Tune: Brady Bunch Theme Song

Here’s a Story, of 2 Mormon parents
Who were bring up 6 children sent from Heaven.
Split down  the middle, 3 boys and 3 girls,
No one was ever alone!

They taught them to be peacemakers,
To always show love for each other,
To (-o) live the – the gospel standards,
And serve the Lord.

With a family as big as theirs,
They had friends coming in and going out,
They had ben taught to chose their friends with caution
Of this their is no doubt.

Then the one day when the daughter met this fellow,
And they knew he was much more than a hunk!
That they too must some how share the gospel
After all they are a Mormon Bunch!

A Mormon Bunch, a Mormon Bunch.
Yes after all they are a Mormon Bunch!

So together they searched the scriptures,
And they prayed for him in every prayer.
They believed that he would feel the spirit
There tes-s-timony shared.

Well that young man, yes he felt the spirit.
After joining he lived the youth standards.
And this family was so happy for him.
After all they are a Mormon Bunch!

A Mormon Bunch, A Mormon Bunch,
Yes after all they are a Mormon Bunch!!!!