
Compiled by:  Debbie Gardner

Divide the gym in half. Tie a rope to the volleyball poles and hang sheets or blankets so that people on one side can’t see those on the other. Divide into 2 teams, and have the “ships” (kids) position themselves on the floor, either sitting or laying (big & small ships/targets). Once in position, no one can move. The game begins when a youth leader reads a question from the scriptures. The first person to answer correctly gets 5 chances to throw missiles (tennis balls) at the other team (enemy). He can throw them all himself, or give them to others on his team to throw. He throws the balls over the top of the sheets and tries to hit the “ships” on the other side. If you are hit, you are sunk, and must sit out the rest of the game. The team that sinks 5 enemy ships first, wins. No one can answer 2 questions in a row. You can play as many rounds as you want.   (Battleship Questions)

Battleship Questions

Compiled by:  Debbie Gardner

Book of Mormon

? 1 Nephi 3:7: GO & DO, OBEDIENCE: Nephi tells his father he is willing to return to Jerusalem to get the brass plates

1 Nephi 19:23: LIKEN SCRIPTURES: Nephi taught his family about the Lord from the brass plates, especially the writings of Isaiah

· 2 Nephi 2:25: THE FALL, JOY: the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden is actually a great blessing for us

· 2 Nephi 2:27: AGENCY, ETERNAL LIFE or DEATH-“FREE to CHOOSE” – Satan tries to persuade us to choose his way in order to make us as miserable as he is.

· 2 Nephi 28:7-9: JUSTIFY SIN-“Eat drink and be merry.for tomorrow we die.”

· 2 Nephi 32:3: FEAST UPON THE WORDS OF CHRIST-The words of Christ will tell us all that we should do.

· 2 Nephi 32:8-9: PRAY ALWAYS – Pray every day even if you are tempted not to.

· Jacob 2:18-19: SEEK KINGDOM and then RICHES– When you put Christ first, you will use whatever riches you may obtain to do good.

· Mosiah 2:17: SERVICE-Serve God by serving others in volunteer neighborhood or community service.

· Mosiah 3:19: PUT OFF THE NATURAL MAN – Listen to the Spirit and be more patient, submissive, and loving, even when you are tempted to argue with or rebel against family members.

· Mosiah 4:30: SELF-CONTROL – Control your thoughts, words and actions

· Alma 32:21 : FAITH – Develop your faith as you read and ponder the Book of Mormon this year.

· Alma 34:32-34: PROCRASTINATION, REPENTANCE – Do not put off changing the things that you know you should change.

· Alma 37:6-7: SMALL THINGS -We can have great influence on people even with very small ways

· Alma 37:35: YOUTH, KEEP COMMANDMENTS – Learn while you are young to keep the commandments

· Alma 41:10: WICKEDNESS NEVER WAS HAPPINESS – Alma counseled son Corianton to repent

· Helaman 5:12: CHRIST IS THE SURE FOUNDATION – Satan has no power over those whoare built upon the rock of Christ

3 Nephi 11:29: CONTENTION IS NOT OF CHRIST – By controlling your tongue and feelings, you can cease to be contentious with friends and family

· 3 Nephi 27:27: WHAT MANNER OF MEN OUGHT YE TO BE? – In his instructions to the Nephites, Christ commanded the Apostles to pattern their lives after his own.

· Ether 12:6: TRIAL OF FAITH -Your testimony will increase as you exercise your faith.

· Ether 12:27: WEAKNESSES WILL BECOME STRENGTHS – If we are humble and have faith in Christ we can overcome our weaknesses.

· Moroni 7:16-17: RECOGNIZE GOOD – All good comes from Christ and all evil comes from the devil. Avoid rationalization in your life.

· Moroni 7:45: ATTRIBUTES OF CHARITY – It is necessary for salvation.

· Moroni 10:4-5: TRUTH; ASK GOD-Read the Book of Mormon, pray sincerely, and have faith in Christ to know it is true.


· Moses 1:39: GOD’S WORK AND GLORY – heavenly Father’s desire is for all his children to be resurrected and receive celestial glory

· Abraham 3:22-23: PREMORTAL LIFE – Selection of the noble and great to become rulers and leaders on earth

· Genesis 1:26-27: IMAGE OF GOD- We are created in God’s image

· Exodus 20:3-17: TEN COMMANDMENTS – Represent the basic of God and are the foundation for a righteous life

· Exodus 33:11: FACE TO FACE REVELATION – God still speaks to man

· Joshua 1:8: MEDITATE ON THE SCRIPTURES – The Lord instructed Joshua when he was called after Moses

· Joshua 24:15: CHOOSE THE LORD – As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

· Job 19:25-26: REDEEMER LIVES- Joshua’s testimony about Christ

· Psalm 24:3-4: CLEAN HANDS & A PURE HEART – Demonstrate your purity of heart by not telling or listening to dirty jokes or stories

· Proverbs 3:5-6: TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL THY HEART – The Lord will guide us in our lives if we place total trust in the him

· Isaiah 1:18: REPENTANCE – Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow

· Isaiah 29:13-14: MARVELOUS WORK AND A WONDER – the restoration of the gospel

· Isaiah 53: 3-5: Isaiah speaks of Christ’s sufferings


Matthew 5:14-16: – Example

Matt 6:24 – SERVE GOD

MATT 25:40 – Serve Others

John 3:5 – Born of Water and of Spirit Born Again

John 10:16 – Other Sheep

John 14:15 – Keep Commandments

John 17:3 – Know God, Eternal Life

Romans 1:16 Not – Ashamed of Gospel

1 Cor. 15:29 – Baptism for Dead

1 Cor. 15:40-42 – Degrees of Glory

Ephesians 4:11-14 – Church Organization;Purpose of church

2 Thessalonians – 2:1-3 Apostasy

James 1:5-6 – Ask God in Faith

James 2:17-18 – Faith and Works

Revelation 20:12-13 – Judgement

Here’s a few additional “rules” that I’ve used: If you have a small group you can play this with each individual working on their own or if you have a big group I’ll divide the group into 2 teams with each team member marking and using the same score on their grids (each person still receives a blank grid to mark to follow their team’s hits and misses). I have in my lap, hidden from everyone elses view, the “master grid” that I’ve put the ships on. I rotate back and forth between team members asking them what ever question you want to ask. If the person asked gets the question right they get a chance to call a grid coordinate in an attempt to find your ships. (Everyone marks “X” or “O” on their grids depending on if it was a hit or miss) Everyone keeps their score on the side margin. (1 point for each hit, -4 points if they hit a mine.) Hope this makes sense! I used this in FHE too…my family loved it!

Contributed by: Sherra 

I got this from a old seminary game book that is used with scripture mastery questions. Of course you can use any questions you would like. I have used this in FHE also…the kids love it. I have made up a “game board” (which essentially is just a grid with letters A-J going up and down one side and numbers 1-8 going along the bottom of your grid for your coordinates). I  don’t have this on computer but could fax it to those who are interested. (Perhaps someone could either scan it into their computer or make one up as an attachment so everyone could download it easily. )

Here are the “rules” I’ve used:

Object: To sink the following ships and miss the mines:
1 Battleship (4 B’s in a row)
1 Destroyer (3 D’s in a row)
1 Carrier (2 C’s in a row)
1 Submarine (1 S)
4 Mines (4 randomly placed, hand-drawn bombs)

*One person is the “boss” and places all the above ships on his/her grid (everyone else will be trying find and sink these ships. If questions are to be asked this person also asks them
*Every person is given a blank grid to record hits (X’s) and misses (O’s)
*Every “hit” of a vessel is worth 1 point
*If you hit a bomb you lose your next turn AND 4 points

If you have a small group you can play this with each individual working on their own or if you have a big group I’ll divide the group into 2 teams with each team member marking and using the same score on their grids (each person still receives a blank grid to mark to follow their team’s hits and misses). I have in my lap, hidden from everyone else’s view, the “master grid” that I’ve put the ships on. I rotate back and forth between team members asking them what ever question you want to ask. If the person asked gets the question right they get a chance to call a grid coordinate in an attempt to find your ships. (Everyone marks “X” or “O” on their grids depending on if it was a hit or miss) Everyone keeps their own score or their teams score on the side margin of their grid. (1 point for each hit, -4 points if they hit a mine.)

Contributed by:

More on this game..
They way you ask the questions is like a scripture chase..  You call one out, like: 1 Nephi 2:14.. and the first team to find it gets a point. Then they get a chance to throw the ball over the net, if they hit one of the players they are out. The one who has the most players left wins.. It is called scripture battleship. You put the volleyball net up (we are using two or three.) Then you put sheets on the nets so no one can see on either side. You divide the youth up into 2 teams. Some of the team will be battleships. and they lie on the ground all over half of the gymnasium. Some of the team members are going to answer questions about scriptures. If they get the answer right, they get to throw 5 tennis balls over the net and if they hit anyone on the other side, they sink that battleship. The one with the most battleships still standing at the end of the game is the winning team. (I hope I explained this well enough)

Contributed by: Teresa in TN

We did this as a YM/YW combined activity last week. I passed out the scriptures we would be using (taken from seminary scripture mastery) and told them they could mark them with little post its that stuck out of the scriptures. Most of the kids are very new members or returning inactives and I wanted good participation. Then we had someone call out a clue from the scripture — “Go & Do”(1 Nephi 3:7) — the first team to have a person find it — ie. the scriptures OPEN to the reference and shouted it out (they didn’t have to read the whole verse) got to toss the balls over the nets.

It was pretty fun. I attached the list of scriptures we used. I didn’t have time to do the D&C verses though. …Oh… for them to “sink” the ships,  they had to hit a battleship (lying down) three times and a small ship (standing up) twice. Whoever has the most standing in the time allotted wins. -or after all the scriptures are used. The kids really liked it.

Marty and Karen Fremlin

We just played this last week. It was somewhat successful. I think if we had had a little more adult intervention it would have gone more smoothly but all the adult leaders just sat around while I tried to ask questions, discipline out of control teenagers and gather up the balls that kept getting thrown around so I would suggest making sure you have enough adult participation with the kids.

We pinned sheets to the volleyball nets to separated the gym into to sections. The kids split into teams and lay on the floor on their side of the net. People on each time are chosen to answer a scripture based question. If the question is answered correctly they get to throw balls over their side of the net to try to hit someone on the other side of the net.

If they hit someone that battleship is sunk and that child is out. You need to have something for the sunken battleships to do to keep them busy or else they get bored and start acting up.  I received my list of questions from a gal in our ward. She got them out of an activity book she bought at the bookstore but you could come up with
your own pretty easily.

Contributed by: Sandy in Idaho    -We recently played the life-size battleship game as a joint YM/YW activity. The Beehives and their leaders wrote questions based on the new For the Strength of Youth booklet.  We told them to bring their FSOY booklet and their scriptures.

The questions were directed to a specific player on one side or the other. If they got it right without help, they got 5 shots. If they had help from someone (or several others) on their team, they got 4 shots. If they needed to look up the answer, they got 3 shots.

We put up the volleyball net and hung sheets from it to keep players from seeing each other. We had them sit in groups of three, four or five, but did
not use a grid. Once the game started, they had to stay where they first sat unless they were throwing the balls at the other team. We did not allow them to dodge the balls, either. We used some very soft balls made of fabric stuffed with batting that my children had.

There were a few problems that we had. Hopefully someone else knows ways to solve these problems.

First, if was difficult to keep everyone’s interest. While I was asking one player a question, others were not listening. I thought about opening the questions to anyone on either team, but I was concerned that a few YM/YW would hog the questions, making it less fun for the others.

Second, those who got out did not have anything to keep them interested until the next round started.

The youth did seem to enjoy the game, though. Hope this helps you make your activity successful!