I just returned from Tucson tonight from my nephew’s farewell and they have an interesting activity going on this week for their youth 12 through 18. I remember doing this activity as a youth and remembered how good of a memory it is.

The activity is a Book of Mormon read-a-thon.
It starts tonight at 5:00p.m. and goes to 10:00p.m.
It picks up again Monday morning at 6:00a.m to 12:00pm (it is being held during there fall break from school)
Tuesday through Friday it is 6:00p.m. to 10:00p.m.
It all concludes Saturday from 6:00a.m to 12:00pm which will then have a big B-B-Q
All of this takes place at the ward building. The kids can either read as individuals or in a group. Different sides of the cultural hall will be used for each. There are breaks offered and treats offered each day. The kids are allowed to bring their pillows on the week days and dress modestly comfortable. The Sunday session is Sunday dress in the Chapel.

I am sure any adults who want to do it are welcome.