Getting to know you games
Pass around a roll of toilet paper. Everyone tears off as much as they ‘use’. Then for every square they have to tell something about themselves. This is great because people don’t know what your about to do. Some have much to tell
Draw It Out – everyone picks a name from a hat, of some who is at the party and tells no one. Then they have to draw something about the person that will help others guess who it is. Can be hysterical.
Nearly Dead – older version of Newly Wed game.
Liars Club – Each person makes three statements about themselves. 2 statements are true, 1 is a lie. This is very fun because many people have done things that sound untrue. Everyone tries to guess. Very fun.
Most Embarrassing Moments – all guests write their most embarrassing moments and put into hat. Pass hat around have people read different ones and try to guess who it is.
Couple and Easels – They had 2 easels set up with paper on them. 2 couples were at the easels. The husbands were given a tool or object and they had to describe it to their wives who had to draw it on the easel and guess what their husbands were holding. The one who guesses first wins. Actually you could do it with just one easel and one couple at a time if there are not a lot of people there. It is really funny to hear the one person describe something and the partner try to draw it and figure out what it is.
M&M (Tell Me About It)
Everyone chooses an m&m. then the host brings out a chart (or even several charts) with colors that match topics such as:
yellow = something about childhood
red = something about yesterday
blue = something learned at church on Sunday
brown = something that happened at a high school dance
orange = what happened on your 10th birthday then you tell about yourself according to the color of m&m you chose.
A fun game that we played at our last High Priest social was a name game. We made a list of all the last names of High Priests and had the men fill in the blanks for the wives names. The one with the least answers won a can of prunes. It was a great ice breaker and a wonderful get to know you for the new members in the ward.
Put names of famous people (prophets, scriptural characters ) on 3 by 5 cards. Put one on each person’s back…they have to get hints about who they are by only asking “yes” or “no”