I have taken Ann's idea from below, and added pictures, so you can make your own or just print this one! You will just need to add your own pictures in a few spots. ~Liz at The Idea Door

**Update 02/18/2025** I have included a new page for Prophets since the old file has Pres Monson still. the new one is Pres Nelson.

Directions for a Gospel ABC's Quiet Book

Thank you to Ann Snider in NE for sharing this idea with us!!

I just got done doing a quiet book for my 20 month old. The idea is circulating around Utah. I got it at my mom's in San Diego and brought it back with me to NE. There are 26 pages--one for each letter of the alphabet. Each page has a quote, the alphabet letter and a picture of some kind. I went a little farther and did the alphabet on both sides of the page and made the front side church and the back side pictures of things from books and magazines that started with that letter as well. Example: "Y" is for YOU! Heavenly Father made you so special. There is no one else quite like YOU! --and then there is a picture of my little boy. I bought a nice half size three ring scrapbook and the filler--glossy plastic pages to slip the pages into. I like it and so does most of my ward. I never have it during sacrament meeting or Sunday school . It always makes it way back to me at the end of church. To keep the cost down on pictures or church art work I took all my pictures from the gospel art kit in the blue box. I took them and scanned them in on my computer and then made them 3 x 5 or however big I wanted. Each picture in the gospel art kit has been copyrighted and the church said that we can make copies for personal and noncommercial use.
I think I could get six on a page. That saved me alot of money instead of having to buy each little picture at 50cents to a 1.00 or more a piece. I used pictures of our family for "f", pictures of grandparents for "G'", a picture of our wedding day for "E" eternal families and for "Y" I used a picture of our little boy, other than that I had gospel pictures. "P" for prophet--pres Hinckley. I have no way of knowing where this quiet book started but....I also used a picture of my husband for "D"--daddy and a picture of me for "M"--mommies or whatever your children calls you. I hope
this helps.
I also take the smaller Mormon ads and laminate them and put them on a ring so that the kids can flip through those. I know one lady who has two sets of Mormon ads and then her children can play the match game with them. I used a cheap photo album--small size for my oldest son--now 13 and just bought some church art in the smaller sizes at the lds bookstore and put them in the album. He liked that. We also included pictures of all our
family since we didn't live near by. He also liked that and he could know
who his relatives were.

First Page
CAMERON (your child's name)
I put a title on the outside of the photo album Cameron's Gospel ABC's Book
I used a half size photo album with the plastic photo protector pages that fit inside. The brand is Hiller. There are made in Salt Lake. I like using the half size because there is not so much work per page. I also did the gospel theme on the front side and then cut out photo*s for each letter of just *things* that start with that letter. My youngest is only 20 months and I want him to learn his ABC*s as well with this book. It*s good for two things. Beware: When Cameron gets to the pictures of Dad or me, he says very loudy *DADDY!* His dad is up on the stand every week and so it is hard. It*s pretty funny*sometimes. Have fun!

(page 2)
For this page I used the picture of Christ at the second coming*with angels round about him*blue coloring). I also used some *ark stickers.*

A is for Angels
When Jesus appeared to the people in the
Book of Mormon, he blessed the children;
Then angels descended and encircled the
Little ones and ministered unto them.
(3 Nephi 17:18-25)

(page 3)
(picture is of John the Baptist baptizing Jesus)
or you can use their baptism day if they are older
B is for Baptism/Baptize
When we turn 8 years old we can be
Baptized just like Jesus was baptized.
(Matt 3:13-17)

(page 4)
I used a picture of our chapel)
You could use any picture of a church
C is for Church
I always have a happy feeling,
When I go to church.
(D&C 59:9-10, Mosiah 2:41)

(page 5)
I used a picture of Cameron*s Dad*a fun one!
D is for Daddy
(Malachi 4:6)

(page 6)
I used a picture from our wedding day
E is for Eternity
Mommy and Daddy were sealed in the
Temple for time and eternity and we are an
Eternal family. (D&C 132:19)

(page 7)
I took a family photo and put it on this page
F is for Family
(3 Nephi 18:21)

(page 8)
I took a picture of each set of grandparents and used it.
I like this because one set of our parents is dead and this helps to remind our children about their grandparents
G is for Grandparents

(page 9)
I used the picture of Heavenly Father and Jesus appearing to Joseph Smith in the Sacred Grove
H is for Heavenly Father
When Joseph Smith went into the sacred grove
To pray, Heavenly and Jesus Christ
Appeared to him. Heavenly Father loves each
Of us very much. (JS-H 1:14-17)

(page 10)
I used to Greg Olsen pictures that were of Jesus talking to the children
I is for Israel
When Jesus was on earth he lived in a
Place called Israel. He loved to teach the
People and took special time to talk the
Children. (Matthew 5)

(page 11)
I used a 5 x 7 picture of Christ. He is wearing the red robe
J is for Jesus Christ
Jesus loves us very much. He has made it
Possible for us to someday live with Heavenly
Father again. (Romans 8:39, D&C 14:7)

(page 12)
I used the picture of Christ kneeling in the garden of Gesthame
K is for kneeling
Jesus showed us how to pray. When we
Kneel down to say our prayers it shows
Heavenly Father we love and respect Him.
(Luke 22:41-44, Romans 8:39)

(page 13)
I used the picture of Christ surrounded of by little children. It*s the traditional one
L is for Love
*Jesus loved the little children
Little ones like me.*
(CS-59, Mark 10:13-16)

(page 14)
I used a picture of me and my son together
M is for Mommy
(Alma 57:21)

(page 15)
I bought a whole sticker page with Noah and the ark you could use the picture in the gospel art kit as well.
N is for Noah
*Noah was prophet called to preach the word,
Tried to cry repentance, but nobody heard.
They were busy sinning*Noah preached in vain.
They wished they had listened when they saw the rain.*
(CS-110, Genesis 6-8)

(page 16)
I used a picture of Christ calming the sea*in the New Testament
O is for Obedience
Even the wind and the sea obey Jesus*
Commands. I will obey his commandments
Too. (Mark 4:36-41)

(page 17)
I used a picture of President Hinckley
P is for Prophet
We have a prophet on the earth today.
His name is Gordon B. Hinckley. He tells
Us what Heavenly Father and Jesus want
Us to know. (Amos 3:7)

(page 18)
I used the sticker that says : *I can be reverent.* You could also use the Greg Olsen picture of Christ with his finger at his mouth telling the children to be quiet/reverent
Q is for Quiet
*Today, dear Father, I will show
how quiet I can be,
To thank thee for the many things,
that thou hast given me. (CS-27)

(page 19)
I used the picture of Christ coming out of the tomb
R is for Resurrection
Jesus was crucified, but three days
Later, he rose again. He made it possible
For all of us to be resurrected.
(John 11:25, Alma 33:22)

(page 20)
Copied a page out of my scriptures from 1Nephi 19 about *feasting upon the words of Christ*. I also put a sticker that says: *I read my scriptures.*
S is for Scriptures
Reading the scriptures teaches us about
Jesus, and all the things we need to do to
Live with him again. (Mosiah 1:7)

(page 21)
I put a tithing envelope and form on the page with a penny and a dime. You know *one penny in a dime** rhyme.
T is for Tithing
We pay 10% of the money we earn to the
Church. The money helps build temples and
Churches all over the world.
(D&C 119:4)

(page 22)
I found this great page of Utah stickers from Stick-a-pot-mus. I used the whole the page all over the page.
U is for Utah
The pioneers left their homes and came
Across the plains with wagons and
Handcarts to settle the state of Utah.

(page 23)
I used the gospel art kit picture of Lehi*s dream*holding to the rod
V is for Vision
A vision is a dream from God. Lehi and
Nephi had a vision of the tree of life, the
Iron rod, and the straight and narrow
Path leading to it. (1 Nephi 8:11)

(page 24)
I found some vegetables and fruit stickers that I just loved.
W is for Word of Wisdom
We can take care of our bodies by eating
Good food and staying away from strong
Drinks, tobacco and other bad things.
(D&C 89)

(page 25)
I used the gospel art kit picture of angels descending to the apostles.*new testament
X is for eXaltation
Exaltation is eternal life, the kind of life
Which God lives in the highest degree of
The Celestial Kingdom. Forty days after
His resurrection, Jesus left his apostles
And ascended into heaven in a cloud to be
Exalted by the right hand of God.
(Acts 1:9-11, 2:32-33)

(page 26)
I used pictures of my son*again fun ones
And some *I am a Child of God* stickers
Y is for YOU
Heavenly Father made you special. There is
No One else like you.

(page 27)
I used the gospel art kit picture of Enoch#120
Z is for Zion
Enoch was a prophet. Many people listened to
His words and built the city of ZION. They
Were righteous and lived in peace, sharing all
They had. They became so righteous that the
Whole city was taken up to heaven without
Tasting death to live forever in the presence
Of God. (Moses 7:18-21)

I put a temple sticker on the last page nothing else

Information 06/25/2023

The time has come for me to be honest with myself,  that I just can't keep up with this site any more. I am working full time now and loving on my grandkids.  I will still be adding great quotes I find and things from General conference etc. Never fear, I am still here for you. If you need something please reach out to me, and I will See what I can do. You can reach me at theideadoor@gmail.com

Thanks for your understanding! Liz from the Idea Door

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