Shared by: Tonii at
Blue Skies Ahead
Ok, the “UN”Wrap-up part will all make sense in a minute 🙂
For Fhe tomorrow I really wanted to focus on the messages we heard in conference this weekend. I don’t know if your home is like mine, but no matter how hard I try its tough to get my kids to pay really good attention for that long (I mean, they are 5, 3, and 1!:) I wanted to make sure we focused on a few talks that had messages that my young ones could understand. Here is what I have come up with:
First we are going to say several times together the 6th Article of Faith. Feel free to copy and print off the printable I made for it…I laminated mine so we will have it for future use.
Then we are going to talk about how lucky we are to have a modern day Prophet that speaks with Heavenly Father and Jesus and then talks to us. Then we will talk about things we remember from conference and how Heavenly Father gives us little “gifts” of truth and knowledge when we listen to the prophets and apostles. ACTIVITY: In a basket we will have several items wrapped up in wrapping paper. These are items that represent different topics we heard about in General Conference. The kids will take turns unwrapping each gift one at a time and we will discuss who spoke about the topic and one or two key points they mentioned. These are the speakers, their topic, and what I am wrapping up.
President Monson / Temples / Picture of a Temple
President Eyring / Serving Others / Completed Hygiene Kits
Elder Scott / Love to spouse and children / Heart-shaped Box
Elder Pratt / Tithing / Tithing Slip and Envelope
Elder Perry / Keep the Sabbath Day Holy / Sunday Books and Activities
In with the packages that I wrapped I have included these cards below. They just have a small picture of the speaker and one line from their talk that summed up the topic or that I wanted the kids to hear again.

Get it?! General Conference “UN”Wrap-up?! Oh my goodness, I am such a dork 🙂 But I hope you can use this idea and some of the printables to reinforce some of the WONDERFUL messages that we heard this weekend 🙂