October Service Project – Welcome to the neigh”BOO”hood!
Shared by: Tonii at
Well, I am happy to anounce that we actually had another service project last night! Usually when I try to do things like this I have great intentions and not such great results 🙂 Maybe this one will actually stick!
In our neighborhood we have had a bunch of people move in the last few weeks. I thought it would be fun to serve our new neighbors and get to know them a little bit better. First for our lesson we learned all about The Good Samaritan and talked about how important it is to be kind to our neighbors no matter what they look like, where there from, what church they go to or what language they speak. Then we put together a few things to take over to them 🙂
First of all….the treat! 🙂 We love making these Nutter Butter ghosts…they are super easy and quite tasty too!

After we had the treat ready to go we put together a file folder to take to the neighbors. Earlier in the day we had driven around and picked up all sorts of papers they might find helpful. I got a ward directory, papers from the city offices about who to contact for your utilities, library calendar and storytimes, copies of the local newspaper, takeout menus from local restaurants and maps. Then we coverd the file folder with fun Halloween paper, added our yummy treat, and there you have it!
I was really excited at how this turned out. We have always been the type to keep more to ourselves, but after having some truly great neighbors it has made me want to be a better one myself, and teach my children the same thing.
Thank you so much for stopping by, and please share! What are some family service projects YOU have done..especially with young kids?