Shared by: Tonii at
Blue Skies Ahead
This was a great family home evening that we did last night that the kids really enjoyed! We are currently studying the 1st book of Nephi in our family scripture study and I thought it would be a great opportunity to talk about Nephi, his obedience and how we can be more like him.
I started off by printing off this scripture and laminating it. Then the kids all repeated it after me several times and we talked about what it meant. I think it is such an amazing concept: yes, the Lord WILL ask us to do things that are difficult, but as He does, He will also provide a way to help us accomplish these hard things. I want my kids to trust that, and KNOW that Heavenly Father is always with them every step of the way…if they will just let Him be.

After we talked about the scripture I played for them the song “Nephi’s Courage”. The church’s website has MP3’s of all the primary songs, so I just played it for them on my computer. We especially focused on the second verse that talks about how Nephi built the ship. Here is the direct link to the song
“Nephi’s Courage”.
Since we just read about Nephi building the ship, we talked how about hard that would have been to do. We discussed how Nephi’s brothers were always murmuring and complaining. Then we talked about how to build the ship, Nephi needed tools. I tied that into how we need tools in our lives if we want to be as Nephi was.
I thought it would be fun to play a matching game with the kids, so I whipped up these printables for our game “Match It….Don’t Murmur!!” I just printed 2 of each off in a 4×6 size and laminated them. The only catch was, if you turned over a card that said Murmur, you lost your turn! Each pair of cards had one tool that we need to be as Nephi was. Some examples are prayer, reading the scriptures, obedience and more ๐

The kids really enjoyed this game and asked to play again and again after our dessert.
And speaking of dessert, we had Banana Boats that the kids got to “build”….okay really it was just a banana with ice cream and different toppings….but they loved it! Can’t you tell from the chocolate all over their faces?! ๐
One of the best parts of our family night?! The spontaneous running through the sprinklers at bedtime ๐ Hope you all had a wonderful family home evening and this may be of help to someone! ๐ Thanks so much for stopping by…and have a great week!!