Here are a few ideas for games that can be used for Family Home Evening
FHE Game on The Restoration

This is a game you can use for FHE on the restoration from the Friend April 6, 1830, was a most important day in history. Joseph Smith and five other men, all of whom had been previously baptized, legally organized The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The true Church was again upon the...

OLD TESTAMENT Word Search old testament word search.pdf92.86 KB
Matching Games
Matching Games Here are some different sets you can use to play the matching came with. They can be used for FHE, Primary and more. Article of Faith Matching Game Name your ABC Gospel Game Here is a fun game, that can be used for Family Home Evening, Primary Classes (older ones), Young Men or...
GROOVY FAMILY GAME NIGHT We had our activity last night, and it turned out great. Let me give you a run-down on everything. Food - We did appetizers and desserts. All finger-food as we only had napkins out for use. I of course left mine in the fridge (put there to keep it cold while...

NEW TESTAMENT Word Search new testament word search.pdf89.64 KB
Sunday Cranium

I invited two groups of people over to play Cranium to test the answers. It was interesting, to say the least. But I think everything is good to play. I had fun making them and my family has had fun playing them. I hope you enjoy them too! (*j*) Becky Kelly Federal Way WA Stake...

scripture taboo.pdf1.54 MB GREAT FOR SEMINARY, YW/YM, PRIMARY, FHE!!! The basic idea is that you have two teams or at least 4 people: one person gives the clues to a person on THEIR OWN team who tries to guess the "taboo word" within a time limit. The other team is there to make...
Books of the Scriptures Word searches

This file contains 3 different word searches, each one uses the Books in that book of scriptures [ddownload id="14059"]
Apostle Cards
Hi, I wanted to offer you something to post at your site. I based these cards on something I saw in a Friend magazine. I've updated them many times over the years. This is my newest update. Amy G. from Ventura, CA These cards are NOT UP TO DATE You can print them out and...