Sunday Activities for the Younger Child
Prepare Family Home Evening lessons for the next day.
Take a walk with an older sibling or parent.
Draw pictures about your favorite scriptures.
Write down in your journal something you learned in Church today.
Listen to scripture tapes
Watch scripture videos.
Read material that is Church-oriented or uplifting.
Look at picture scripture storybooks.
Play a quiet game with a sibling.
Learn about music.
Decorate jars to have on hand to fill for special gifts when someone needs one.
Add more ideas to this list.
Catch up on photo books-label pictures, add cute decorations, just get the pictures to the book!
Tell or read about stories about when the kids were little. (Read from the kid’s journal)
Decide what goals to work on this week.
Set goals
Read Church magazines from cover to cover.
Work on Faith in God award
Listen to scriptures on tape.
Have an interview with Mom and/or Dad.
Write a letter.
Write a poem about a gospel related topic.
Draw a picture about a gospel related topic.
Listen to classical music.
Find out about Heavenly Father’s children in other parts of the world. Perhaps plan out one of your meals for the upcoming week to be from a certain country you learned about.
Listen to hymns and Primary songs on cassette or CD. Get everyone to sing along with you.
Make paper dolls with and/or for a sibling. Then they can use them to act out favorite stories and such. Use poster board for the doll. Regular paper is fine for the clothing, hats, shoes, etc.
Look through old photo books and scrapbooks for some good memories.
Write a short story with a good moral.
Write thank-you cards, get-well and thinking-of-you notes.
Make award certificates for members of your family to let them know how much you appreciate them.
Use clay or construct a scene from scriptures or church history.
Act out scripture stories using puppets, animals, yourselves and dress-up
clothes and a script. Perhaps do a scene from church history or even a modern day miracle.
Make a temple, church, a layout of Jerusalem from legos.
Reconstruct battle scenes from the scriptures using Lincoln Logs and plastic cowboys and Indians or soldier guys.
Make puzzles from pictures in old Church publications.
Make homemade birthday cards so you aren’t scrambling at the last minute for one when you need it.
Play a church game.
Make dot-to-dot pictures of objects like the golden plates, the star of
Bethlehem, or other related scripture items.
Memorize hymns, stories, or poems.
Share a story that displays true courage or other good value.
Play Storyoni-try to do it with church characters and scenes.
Practice playing or singing hymns.
Type up the articles of faith and also type Article 1, Article 2, etc. Print them out and glue to index cards. Play concentration. See if you can match the correct article to the correct words.
Write in your journal.
Challenge someone to a duel.a duel of wits that is. Think of challenging questions to ask each other from the scriptures. Give hints and clues as necessary.
Make a church related crossword puzzle.
- Make a church related search-a-word puzzle.