
This is what one of the tags looks like!

pdf12 days of Christmas Book.pdf5.12 MB

12 Days of Christmas Box by Liz Vance

*Print all the Christmas Stories for each day. Fold them and put them in envelopes labeled with the corresponding number. Or you could fold nicely and seal with a Christmas sticker and write the number on the outside.

*Get all the items from the shopping list. Print the numbered gift tags and have them cut and ready to label each gift as you wrap them (you don*t want to wrap them all first and forget which one goes with which day).

*Find a box that will easily hold all the presents from the shopping list. Wrap the box in wrapping paper to match the paper used to wrap the gifts (dollar store is a great place to buy wrapping paper). You can add handles by running some nice rope or some strong think ribbon through 2 holes on each side of the box. You can get really fancy and decorate as much as you like.

*Tape the Merry Christmas letter to the front of the box. Tape, or tie with ribbon, each days envelope to its corresponding gift. Place gifts in the box so that it will be easy for them to get each day out in order.

*Find a family to give the box to. I like to find families that I*ve never met before so they can never guess it was me. Just ask around and see if someone knows a family who could use some cheering up. And it doesn*t have to be a family. You could modify it a bit to give to a couple or a single adult.

*Deliver box to the door of your unsuspecting family in the evening. Knock and run. I usually drive by 15 minutes later to make sure it was picked up.

*Deliver the box on the 13th of December so that they will open the last gift on Christmas Eve. Or deliver on December 14th if you want them to open the last one on Christmas.