List of ideas of thanks and fun sayings

“First Day First Aid – M&Ms” ( make a sticker with this poem and put it on a package of M&M’s)

Eat a red M&M at the first sign of meeting overload.

Orange M&Ms minimizes “Writer’s Block” creating IEPs.

Eat a Green M&M to calm your frustrations while arranging the room.

To get through your lesson plans eat a yellow M&M.

Blue M&M’s reduces Bulletin Board fatigue.

Eat a brown M&M to temporarily calm your craving for a vacation

Directions: Take as needed. For recess duty, eat the whole bag!

Warning: May cause weight gain.


Air Freshener:
Thanks for the fresh ideas.


You’ve really added energy to our group. Thanks for charging us up.

Bananas or Grapes:
Thanks a bunch!


No one holds a candle to you. Thanks for your leadership.


Glue Stick:
Thanks for sticking to the job until it was done.


Homemade Goodies:
Thank you. Here are your just desserts!


Jelly Bears or Graham Bears:
Our thanks to you bears repeating.


We can lick any problem with your help. Thanks!


Mints or Certs:


Note Cards:
That was a truly “noteworthy” achievement.


Ovation chocolates:
You deserve a standing ovation; take a bow.


Pkg. of Dried soup mix:
Your leadership has put together the right mix on our committee. Thanks!


Thanks for raisin the tough issues.
(I took a small box of raisins, attached a strip of magnetic tape to the back and attached a small note saying, “Thanks for raisin all those funds”)

Salad Dressing:
You really dressed up the occasion.
You’re the cream of the crop. Thank you for addressing the idea.
You’ve tossed out some good ideas.
Things would be pretty plain without you.


Small Flashlight:
Your leadership helps us see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Small Gillette Shaving Foam:
You’ve helped us smooth over the rough edges; thanks.


Small Staticguard:
Since you’ve joined our committee the static is gone.


Toilet Roll:
Thank you for helping clean up a messy situation.
With your help we’re really on a roll.
Thanks! We can always count on you to get the paper work done.
We value your role on our committees.


Tooth Pick:
Thanks! You really stimulated the group today.
Thanks for your input; sorry I was so picky.
We’d be really stuck without you. You have a
knack for getting at the little bits.
Thank you for stimulating this meeting.


Thanks for your continued support. I know this job has been a real headache.



Present a candle with a card saying “You light the way” or “No one can hold a candle to you”


Light bulbs:

“You light the way — thanks for your glowing enthusiasm.”

Permanent marker:

“You’ve made a lasting and permanent contribution to your group.”

Lucky Charm cereal :

“We’re so LUCKY to have you!”

100 Grand candy bars :

“Volunteers are priceless.”

Payday candy bar:

“Volunteers don’t receive a salary because they’re worthless… it’s because they’re priceless!”

Gold chocolate coins:

“Volunteers are worth their weight in gold.”

Andes mints/ peppermint patties:

“Your service is worth a mint to us!”

Ruler/Tape measure:

“It’s easy to measure the difference you’ve made in our group — you’re amazing!”


“Thanks for the time you’ve given to our group!”

Group’s logo Hat:

“Our hats are off to you! Thanks for all you do!”


“We know you’d give the shirt off your back… so here’s an extra one for the next time you give your all.”


“A Toast to a super voluntee



“We grow luckier every day you’re with us.”


* “You are out of this world” tag attached to a Milky Way or Mars candy bar
* “You deserve an extra payday!” tag attached to a Payday candy bar
* “There is no ‘sub’stitute for you!” tag attached to a gift card for the local sub shop
* “You are ‘extra’ special” tag with a pack of Extra Gum
* “Thanks for helping Blake ‘bloom’” tag with a bouquet of flowers
* “We appreciate the ‘mounds’ of work you do!” tag attached to a Mounds candy bar
* “Thanks for giving Blake a hand” tag with hand lotion
* “Thanks a ‘latte’!” tag with a gift card from local coffee shop, special coffees or travel mug
* “You are ‘souper’! – soup mix, custom decorated soup bowls or homemade soup
* “Thanks for holding everything together” tag with fun paper clips
* “Just a note to say you are special” custom made note pads , purchased notepads or post it notes
* “You are a ‘treasure’ tag with Treasures candy
* “You really measure up” tag with a cool ruler, yardstick or measuring tape
* “You are ‘sum’body special” tag with a calculator or math game for the class
* “You are the apple of our eye” with a basket of apples (construction paper leaves with nice sayings—A+ teacher, you’re special etc. can be hot glued to the stems)
* “You are ‘tea’rrific!” tag with a selection of teas
* “You deserve a ‘break’ today! Thanks for your hard work” tag with a Fast-Break candy bar or McDonald’s gift certificates
* “You are a smart cookie” tag with homemade cookies
* “Thanks for a ‘picture’ perfect year” tag with movie coupons or nice picture frame
* “Thanks for making our school year bright” tag with a package of highlighters
* “Thanks for helping Blake grow” tag with flower seeds
* “You are o’fish’ally the best!” tag attached to Goldfish Crackers
* “Thanks for lighting the way” or “You light up our world” with a flashlight or nice candle
* “We are your biggest ‘fan’!”with a cute desk fan, hand held fan or paper fan.
* “Thanks for the ‘time’ you spend with Blake” tag on a cute clock, fun watch or pretty appointment book
* “We are fortunate to have you!” tag with a Chinese take out box filled with fortune cookies
* “You have been a ‘bright’ spot in our year!” tag with a package of highlighters
* “You are a joy!” tag attached to an Almond Joy candy bar
* “Thanks for giving Blake a hand!” tag attached to work or garden gloves filled with candy
* “You have been just ‘write’ for Blake!” package of nice pencils or pens in a case or container
* “You rock!” tag with pop rocks, rock candy, Rock Star soft drink or painted rock for a paperweight
* “You have been ‘key’ to Blake’s success!” tag attached to a key ring, maybe a pretty handmade beaded one
* “We are ‘nuts’ about you!” tag attached to some nuts
* “You ‘float’ above the rest” tag attached to a balloon or a fun pool float for the summer
* “You are worth more than a 100 grand to Blake!” tag attached to a 100 Grand candy bar
* “You ‘mint’ so much to us this year” tag attached to some mints
* “You were ‘mint’ to be a teacher!” tag attached to some mints
* “Here is a ‘pat’ on the back for doing such a great job!” tag attached to a gift certificate for a massage
* “You are an ‘amazing’ teacher” tag attached to an Amazing candy bar