Small gifts with an important message!

A toy compass – write the great thing in this world is not so much where we are…but in what direction we are moving

Stick of gum Stick close to your Heavenly Father.

Elastic: Expand your desire to serve.

Lifesavers that are individually wrapped: Be a lifesaver and help others or your Heavenly Father is your lifesaver or Christ what ever you want to use.

Taffy: Chews your goals wisely. could use gum also

Chocolate Kiss: Don’t let the sweet moments melt away…Keep up your journal or values or goals which ever you want to use.

Red Felt Square: Let his presence be felt.

Whistle: Whistle while you serve.

R.S.V.P.: Read, Study, Visualize, Ponder

Clothespin: Faith decreases our hang-ups. Hang in there.

Seeds: Plant new and improved goals.

Leaf Let’s turn over a new leaf; be a good example

Feather: Feathers are like gossip. They are easily turned loose and allowed to go where they will, and always difficult to gather back

Pen: Draw near unto the Lord

Chinese handcuffs: Don’t be trapped in Satan’s Snares

York Peppermint Patty: We comple”mint” you on your desire to serve the Lord

“Footprints” poem with some gummy feet

Rolos and Hershey kisses with this thought: “Make new friends, but keep the old. For some are silver and other are gold.” (with the candy, you gave gold and silver like in the poem!)

Cookies with this thought: “Friends and Cookies” Friends . . .they come in all shapes and sizes and colors. Some are soft and sugarcoated. Some are snappy and full of ginger, and some are just plain nutty. We can treat ourselves to many different kinds and there is always room for one more.”

Hershey’s Treasures (because our theme is Heavenly Treasures)