Instructions for the Christmas Angel towel

Supplies required:

* 1 dishtowel of your choice of pattern and color

* a matching or contrasting dishcloth

* 1 matching or contrasting pot holder

* 4 – 18″ pieces of *” ribbon matching or contrasting

* thin piece of wire wrapped with string beads for the halo

1. First start by fan folding dish towel completely lengthwise

2. Then set towel aside and cut the 4 pieces of *” ribbon 18″ long

3. Then fold towel in half and measure down approximately 1*” and tie a piece of the ribbon around the dishtowel to make the head of your Angel. Make sure that you tie the ribbon securely. I first put a knot in mine and then tie the bow.

4. Now open the towel so that it will be ready to place your arms inside.

5. Fan fold your dishcloth forming your Angel*s arms.

6. Place your fan folded dishcloth in the open part of your dishtowel and fold the dishtowel down over the top.

7. Get your arms as close to the neck ribbon as you possibly can and approximately in the middle.

8. The take another piece of your ribbon and tie it around your dishtowel right below the arms, making your Angels waist.

9. Once again tie securely knotting it and then tying your bow.

10. Now bring your dishcloth around and tie another piece of ribbon approximately 1″ from the ends to make your arms and hands of your Angel.

11. Now we will be working with the pot holder. First you will have to decide which side you want to show from behind your Angel if you have a choice.

12. Then fan fold your pot holder so that you can use the loop of the pot holder as the hanging loop when you are all finished.

13. Take your last piece of ribbon and tie it around your pot holder. This time I knotted the ribbon twice because of the thickness of the pot holder.

14. DO NOT cut the ribbon ends as you will need the length to secure the Wings to the Angel.

15. Now here is the tricky part – you need to use a crochet hook or other means of getting one of the ends of ribbon slipped under the neck ribbon in the back of your Angel. Then knot and tie and trim the ends of the ribbons so that you can not see it.

16. VIOLA there you have it, your Christmas Dishtowel Angel is complete!!!

17. I attach the Dish Towel Angel poem and put on the halo if you want too, its cute without it even.

18. You can embellish your angel any way that you choose.

Dish Towel Angel Poem:

An Angel in the Kitchen

Watching the Stew

Blesses your Cooking

and all that You do.

Here’s a little Angel

To hang upon your wall

She will help you with your baking

And see that your cakes don’t fall!

And while you’re busy cooking

And other chores you do

You’ll always have an Angel…

Looking out for you!!

I’m your Christmas Angel.

When you’re tired of me

Untie my ribbons.

You will find that I am