“Secret Santa”
Hi everyone. Just wanted to pass along something I’ve come up with and maybe it can help someone else. Every year our ward does a sort- of “Secret Santa” thing where we draw a family’s name (some people draw more than one!) and we do something special for them – like drop off cookies for FHE night or some little treat of some sort.
Anyway, it’s always done in secret and in ward council it was discussed how frustrating that can be because you don’t know who to thank, if it’s even SAFE to eat this stuff that some unknown person has left on your doorstep, and you don’t get to make any “new” friends in the ward. So, we changed it around a little and I was put in charge. This year I’m calling it “Special Elf” and I’ve written a little poem to attach to each family’s name so when people choose the name, they’ll get the “instructions” at the same time. I’m gonna roll it up, diploma style, tie it with a little ribbon, possibly a little bell too, and pass a basket of names around in each auxiliary. Anyway, here’s the poem, hope it helps anyone who’s in the same same boat.

It’s now that time of year
The time for making lists.
The time for spreading cheer
Fulfilling someone’s wish
Be a Special Elf
Choose a family’s name.
Share something from yourself.
Others, do the same!
Here’s a little twist
Instead of hiding though-
To the family on your list,
Say “Hi” before you go!
We’ll get to know each other
And have a great time too.
To every Sister and Brother-
A very Merry Christmas to you!