Here are bunch of different pages with lots of ideas for small gifts, for friends, Teachers, Christmas ideas and more!
Idea List: Gospel Gifts
Idea List: Gospel Gifts *Idea List: Gospel Gifts,* New Era, Dec. 2003, 11It seems stores begin decorating for Christmas earlier and earlier every year, each store advertising the perfect gift. But for members of the Church, Christmas is always about Christ, who not only gave us the greatest gift*the Atonement*but who also is the *perfect*...
A Priceless Gift
A Priceless Gift This idea is so easy and says “I love you”, you’ll want to make them for friends, grandparents, parents and anyone who needs a smile! Instructions: Wrap an empty box (hair dye, toothpaste, paper mache, any box will do) with colorful wrapping paper or paint a bright color. Decorate the “gift” as...
Small gift ideas with scripture references, for gifts or care packages. List 2
Small gift ideas with scripture references, for gifts or care packages. List 2 D&C 42:40 garments Eph. 5:27 blemish cream and/or spot remover Matt. 20:34 glasses/contacts Rev. 1:19 journal/stationery Isa. 9:2 small flashlight Ps. 147:3 Band-Aidsl Matt. 14:15 money 2 Tim. 2:17 canker medicine 1 Sam. 25:2 caramels Ps. 24:4 hand soap Gal. 6:6 stationery/envelopes
Small Gift Ideas – over 150 ideas
Small Gift Ideas M&Ms: Have a "M"arvelous and "M"ost wonderful birthday! Bubble Bath: Here are some bubbles To forget your troubles Because life can be a strain On our body and brain. Popcorn: Just "poppin" by for a Happy Birthday hi! Hershey Hugs: Just a HUG when you need it (or - I noticed you...
Advent Calendar Idea
Advent Calendar Idea Last year I bought an inexpensive advent calendar. It was made out of felt and shaped like a tree. It had numbered pockets for each day up to, and including Christmas Day. I found and typed quotes about Christmas made by some of our Prophets and General Authorities. I typed them...
Toilet Paper Holiday Gift (Funny)

Toilet Paper Holiday Gift (Funny) Here is a gift we gave out a couple years ago to our friends and neighbors. We wanted something cheap, funny and useful. So we came up with this poem: While the children are waiting for Santa's big caper People give gifts wrapped in ribbons and paper Then come the...
Thank You, Teacher
Thank You, Teacher (attached to a rose or printed under a picture of a rose) Sometimes it's hard for Us little ones to say, Thank you, Teacher, For what you taught today. You take us by the hand And teach us from the heart Preparing us for life From the very start. We recognize the...
M&M / Skittles/ Mike&Ikes pill bottle labels

**WARNING** I have had a few people email me, very upset over this idea. I can understand why! Please note that if children see this and see it with candy in it, and eat candy out of it, they may think that all pill bottles hold candy. For that reason (and its easier to get...
Ways to say Thank You
Thank You Ideas some of these ideas might be doubles, they are just lists I have collected over time. Air FreshenerThanks for the fresh ideas. Batteries You've really added energy to our group. Thanks for charging us up. Bananas or Grapes Thanks a bunch! Candles No one holds a candle to you. Thanks for your...
Secret Angel
Secret Angel I was a lonely little angel Without a place to stay When I chanced upon your mailbox One bright and sunny day. I'd like to take up residence I'm not sure how long I'll stay for But I promise I will pay my rent With letters by the score. Please check your mailbox...
Little Star- Christmas Gift
Little Star- Christmas Gift Little Star Little Star, shining bright How many days 'til Christmas night? Jesus' birthday will soon be here, Thank you, God, for your Son so dear. Attach poem and links to a large star shape
Little Wreath – Gift Idea
Little Wreath We bought a lot of long artificial greenery (like those used to wrap banisters). Cut them into short lengths, made them into a circle and tied a ribbon to hand it on and the following message with the same color of ribbon. Very inexpensive and pretty. This little wreath, a simple...
12 Days of Christmas – Version 1
Print up the poem for each day, then include the gift with it using your own ideas for what will look nice and be appropriate for your missionary's personality, etc. December is the time of year the days are getting cold. A nice hot cup of cocoa is like an ounce of gold. So...
A Friend having a bad day!

A Friend having a bad day! I used to give my roomies in college a cute thing when they were having a bad day. I made up a poem and wrote it on a card. I put the card and a bunch of Hershey's kisses and hugs on their desk. THANK Shelby Farnsworth for sharing...
12 Days of Christmas Version 3 (for missionaries)
Instructions to our missionary: The first day of Christmas is Dec. 14th, so open Package #1 on December 14th, package #2 on the 15th, and so on until you open package #12 on Christmas Day! We hope that you have fun knowing that we think about you every day! On the first day of Christmas...
12 Days of Christmas Version 2
With each present we've included A scripture for the day. We think we've been real clever So look them up, now don't delay. With each present we've attached A scripture as a clue. So look them up, and try to guess What's wrapped inside for you. We hope you like the things we've sent And...
12 Days of Christmas Box

This is what one of the tags looks like! 12 days of Christmas Book.pdf5.12 MB 12 Days of Christmas Box by Liz Vance *Print all the Christmas Stories for each day. Fold them and put them in envelopes labeled with the corresponding number. Or you could fold nicely and seal with a Christmas sticker and...
12 Days of Christmas Story (to go with Nativity set)
Someone handed out these stories along with a small Nativity set, one piece for each day, twelve days of Christmas. The very last piece you give is the baby Jesus, but he had no saying. I think the Angel needs a little saying about Angels. They were printed in all different type of font, on...
Gifts For Friends
A Heart Craft: A Friend is someone who listens from the HEART. A Good Book: A friend is a rare book, of which only one copy is made. OR A good friend is like a wonderful book. The inside is even better than the cover! A Measuring Cup filled with Candy: Friendship begins with a...
Coupons of Service For Grandparents Poem
To our Grandpa, who's such a dear. A Christmas gift to last all year. Twelve full months of excitement and fun, With people you love more than anyone. The first of each month will confirm the date, With a promise* we won*t be late. So look for us from January to December, And a present...
Birthday Love Gift
Gift wrapped squares of wood. It seemed like it was a full package, but it just wood. Then hook this poem to it. Here's the poem that I have: This is a very special gift That you can never see. The reason it's so special "Cause it's for you from me. Whenever you need caring...
Pillow Box Door/Water Bottle Hanger

Pillow Box Door/Water Bottle Hanger You can print this out on colored paper, or fun scrapbook paper, then add a small treat in the pocket and give it as a treat or reminder etc {phocadownload view=file|id=6634|target=s}
All I Need to Know about Life I Learned From a Snowman
Make or buy a snowman craft or ornament and attach it to this poem. * It's okay if you're a little bottom heavy. * Hold your ground, even when the heat is on. * Wearing white is always appropriate. * Winter is the best of the four seasons. * It takes a few extra rolls...
Black knit gloves (Poem to go with gloves)
Here's another idea for an inexpensive Christmas gift: Give this poem with a pair of black knit gloves (Walmart - a dollar or two) Doers and Dreamers The woman who slouched in the front seat of the bus distressed me. Her hair was matted, her face dirty, and though it was a cold night outside,...
The Christmas Angel Poem for a treat
The Christmas Angel The Christmas Angel has come to town, To leave you some goodies, I see you have found. If you wish to spread some of this good cheer, Continue this greeting, 'cause Christmas is near. First post the "Angel" where all can see, And leave it there until Christmas Eve. Then make 2...
Popcorn Wrappers – Christmas Gift

Popcorn Wrappers - Christmas Gift Shared by Tara L. Tara said: Here are some popcorn wrappers I made for our Young Women. Our president found the cute poem and then I designed it into a wrapper. I'm attaching two sizes, large for regular popcorn packets and mini for the single serving size popcorn. Just print, cut,...