Images and PDF files

This printable could make a cute gift! It is made so you open the book on the page you will see q quote, then turn it over and see an activity to do.

The images sized 11x8.5  you can download and have printed at a photo shop or from you printer.

Or download the PDF file and then print from your own printer. The PDF's one is 4 on a page and one full set.

I put the books together for a handout at our RS Party. You have to really think when printing. You need to print the cover and then on the back of the cover it needs to be page 3. Then print all the even pages (2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24) and turn them over and print the odd page starting on page 5 (5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25). I hope that makes sense. I think did a spiral bind on them, but you could always just punch a hole in the corner and use a ring to hold them together.