Easter Bunny Hugs And Kisses
That cute little bunny has hopped all day, delivering baskets for the holiday. His paws are so tired and his nose how it itches, He left you something special to fulfill all your wishes- Lots of cute little Easter bunny hugs and kisses.

Easter Bunny Poop
The Easter Bunny came last night
And left this little scoop.
Because you weren’t too good this year,
You’re getting Bunny Poop!

Use some of those teeny jelly beans, chocolate-covered raisins,
Fruit Loops, or perhaps some of those little candies that look
like rocks; put a few in a little baggie, and attach it with
this poem to the handle of a little throw-away detergent scoop…
Meeting the Easter Bunny
by Rowena Bennett

On Easter morn at early dawn
before the cocks were crowing
I met a bob-tail bunny kin
and asked where he was going.

“Tis in the house and out the house
a-tispy, tipsy-toeing,
Tis round the house
and ’bout the house a-lighlty I am going.”

“But what is that of every hue
you carry in your basket?”
“Tis eggs of gold and eggs of blue;
I wonder that you ask it.

“Tis chocolate eggs and bonbon eggs
and eggs of red and gray,
For every child in every house
on bonny Easter day.

He perked his ears
and winked his eye and twitched his little nose;
He shook his tail — what tail he had —
and stood up on his toes.

“I must be gone before the sun;
the east is growing gray;
Tis almost time for bells to chime.”
— So he hippety-hopped away.

Funny Bunny
by Grandpa Tucker

Little Easter, the comedienne bunny,
Tried too hard at being funny.
She juggled and she dropped the eggs
They fell and smashed between her legs.
Poor Easter left the stage in shame
And thought that she might change her name.
But then that bunny read this ad,
“This Sunday we need help real bad.”
So Easter Bunny kept her name
And through the years has gained much fame,
When Easter’s Sunday comes each year.
She delivers eggs and we all cheer.