Mother’s Day Sharing Time Ideas

Submitted by Deborah Jackson
Here is another idea that we did today during sharing time to prepare for Mother’s Day. I went to the dollar store and bought the plastic plant dishes (the ones that go under the pot to catch any extra water and dirt), I also bought from the dollar store the pretty glass stones that come in a 1 lb pack and then I bought from Home Depot a couple buckets of cement. We mixed the cement and then poured them into the plastic dishes that were sprayed with pam and then we had each child make their hand imprint and decorate it with the stones. I used bar-b-q skewers to write their names, year or mom, etc. We had teachers and counselors help with the mixing and helping each child with the imprint and writing since we had to move quickly before the cement dried….less than 5 minutes. I had a bucket of warm water and washcloth and towel for them to rinse their hands. I will be attaching a card to each stone with the poem about always having a remembrance of their fingerprints. The kids had a great time and it was fairly easy, inexpensive and a little bit different idea to what has been done many times in the past.

Last year I had mini clay pots (that a ward member donated and had oodles of) that the kids painted and decorated with stickers or gems (with the help of the glue gun and teacher supervision) and then I bought a flat of pansies from Home Depot and put 1 flower in each pot for the children to give to their moms — that also was easy and inexpensive (since the pots were donated- I just needed to clean them up before use) and the moms loved it.

Anyway, both ideas are something that people could do next week as well if they still are in need of a Mother’s Day gift idea.