Here are some really great sayings ready to print up, you could use them to print up and put on your fridge. Or maybe print it and give to someone!
some are available is PDF formats or in a image format, which you can send to a photo shop (like Walgreens, Costco etc)
Some are saved in PDF file. so Just open and print! You might want to print them on card stock (heavy paper ) so they will last longer! Or print them on colored paper and print in B & W.
NOTICE!! Some people are having a problem when printing from a PDF file..... with some missing letters and they don't print right. Please update your Adobe Reader that is most likely the problem.
If you know of a great thought or saying you would like to see on a printable page, just let me know an I will see what I can do!

- “Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?” -Corrie Ten Boom
- Alma 5:16
- And whoso receiveth you … D & C 84:88 printable
- Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal…quote
- Be careful not to rush your study of the scriptures. Printable
- D&C 59:5
- For God so loved the world – John 3:16-17
- Free Agency….quote
- It is not Happy People who are Thankful….
- Jacob 3:1
- Keep Calm and Read the Book of Mormon
- Keep the Faith Printable
- Marjorie Hinckley
- Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle …Marjorie Pay Hinckley Quote
- Home is where you are loved the most and act the worst. …Marjorie Pay Hinckley Quote
- I know it is hard for you young mothers to believe…Marjorie Pay Hinckley Quote
- The only way to get through life …Marjorie Pay Hinckley Quote
- We women have a lot to learn about simplifying our lives …Marjorie Pay Hinckley Quote
- Matthew 5:6
- Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate – Quote
- People will never remember what YOU said, half as long as how you made them feel
- People with goals succeed…quote
- Prayer Quote from Bible Dictionary
- Remember to put Jesus Christ at the center of your life today. iPhone Reminder
- Stop worrying quote by John Bytheway
- Straighten my Crown
- The grass might always look greener…Quote
- The Living Christ Cards
- The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost
- TO: My Future Self
- Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without!
- We could learn a lot from crayons – Quote
- What I LOVE most about my HOME, is who I SHARE it with
- What if you woke up TODAY…quote
- When you feel like you’re drowning in life dont’worry…quote
- You’ve gotta have a bad…Quote
- “If you live in a bubble eventually you suffocate.” -John Marshall (Dog Gone Movie)