We can love, listen, show, and testify.

We can love, listen, show, and testify. https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2002/04/true-friends?lang=eng There are important ways for us to share the new member*s burden. First, we must love them. That is what the Savior does. We can do it with Him and for Him. He showed us the way in His mortal ministry. He taught by precept and...
Angels, shepherds, and Wise Men sought…quote

"Angels, shepherds, and Wise Men sought and found peace from their faith in Jesus Christ. So will you. The Savior's birth is the gift that makes it possible for the Father to give us 'peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come.'" -Henry B. Eyring Help saving or print this image...
My promise to you who pray and serve the Lord…quote

“Come unto Me” by By President Henry B. Eyring My promise to you who pray and serve the Lord cannot be that you will have every blessing you may wish for yourself and your family. But I can promise you that the Savior will draw close to you and bless you and your family with what...
Count your many blessings – Talk
Count your many blessings; name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord has done. Taken from a talk given by President Henry B. Eyring "O Remember, Remember When our children were very small, I started to write down a few things about what happened every day. Let me tell you...
You could ask yourself, ‘How did God Bless me today? Quote by Henry B. Eyring

Quote by Henry B. Eyring "You could ask yourself, 'How did God Bless me today?' If you do that long enough and with faith, you will find yourself remembering blessings. And sometimes you will have gifts brought to your mind which you failed to notice during the day, but which you will then know were...
Don’t worry about how inexperienced you…quote

Don't worry about how inexperienced you are or think you are, but think about what, with the Lord*s help, you can become Henry B. Eyring [ddownload id="14956"]
If we have faith in Jesus Christ…quote

If we have faith in Jesus Christ, the hardest as well as the easiest times in life can be a blessing. In all conditions, we can choose the right with the guidance of the Spirit. We have the gospel of Jesus Christ to shape and guide our lives if we choose it. And with prophets...
Every person is different…quote

Every person is different...quote "Every person is different and has a different contribution to make. No one is destined to fail." —Henry B. Eyring, "Help Them Aim High", Liahona and Ensign, November 2012 [ddownload id="14980"]