Faith Is Not by Chance, but by Choice

This great saying come from a conference talk by Elder Andersen in 2015, you can find that talk here: I have made a copy different choices as well as a couple different sizes. There are 8x10 images and 4x6 images to choose from. If you want to just print this yourself and not sure...
Spiritual understanding quote Neil L Andersen

"Spiritual understanding rarely comes from a lecture. It comes in classrooms where questions are welcome; where doubts and fears can be expressed; and where honest opinions are never dismissed. Spiritually, the classroom of faith becomes less like a lecture hall and more like a fitness center. Students do not get stronger by watching someone else...
Like the intense fire that transforms iron into steel…quote

Elder Neil L. Andersen Quotes Like the intense fire that transforms iron into steel, as we remain faithful during the fiery trial of our faith, we are spiritually refined and strengthened. Elder Neil L. Andersen Thanks to my daughter Samantha for putting this one together View and Download file here