For I am Mary

(corrected 11/15/1999 By Elenor Anderson)

This program was done as a sacrament meeting program some 30+ years ago in Barstow,
California. It’s about the birth of Jesus from Mary’s view.
You are welcome to use this script for
any non-commercial home or church use as long as you include the author’s name.




Mary-to speak the text below



SONG: Oh Come All Ye Faithful, verses 1 and 2
And I am woman — like unto other women. Divine in that we are all divine. A child of God. A servant of God, but chosen of God above all women . . .
For I am Mary — chosen of God. My soul in agony with too great an honor. My heart torn with inadequacy. And from afar the voices of Angles ring out, and the voice of Heaven seems to say. ” Adore Him, worship Him, attend Him well, for he is Mine.”
And in my heart already, I see Him, and in my mind’s eye, I imagine this small wee mite, and so think I as thoughts press hard. “Ah, if but to love — What joy is mine. What grace that I might have Him, and teach the things I know from Thee — that He is Thine.” Again I recall the awful moment when I knew, that I, lowly and fleshly mortal, should become thy handmaiden, and I shudder with the weight of unknown responsibility, that, what no mere woman could ever aspire to, should come, unsought, to me. Praises, my Lord, that of all the regal personages in high positions, Thou hast chosen me. My heart breaks in wonderment and humility. Blessed by Thy Lamb.
And Joseph, dear Joseph, by my side as the little gray animal toils his way, laboriously, for I am heavy — heavy in body and heavy in the knowledge of the precious burden within me. Ah, I am tired, and Joseph again slows the beast. It is getting late. Is that village, faint but real, to be our destination, or is it just a glimmer of hope in the distance. Lord, dear Lord, my hand and heart grow weary. Surely the time is near.

Song: Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem. Verses 1 and 3
The inn is full — no room at the inn. I heard the words he told Joseph and my heartaches as I hear my Joseph beg. Ah, is there no place this night, that might make ready to receive the Savior. Men so eager for earthly things, so careless for their soul. O, that I might say, “The Son of God is about to come forth among men. Lay open your best houses, lay out your silks and spices. Anoint His little body with precious oils. Fall in worship before him. Make ready to receive the Savior of Mankind.” But I am Mary, I am silent. I am not the Lord’s messenger. I await the will of the Lord. We come at last to the stable. We, Joseph and I, are grateful. The hay is sweet, the air is soft, the light is alive, for He is come.


Song: Away In a Manger Verse 1
Behold the Lamb of God, that but for Him would the world be plunged in death. That, but for Him, would sin be unforgiving, and hopeless be our day. Arise and countenance Him, and hope and solace know. The Lamb of God is come to awake our soul, and I am full to break with wondrous love. It seemed I saw shepherds in the hills, poor and untaught — yet blessed beyond the value of men. For the Angles appeared and brought glad tidings while yet we slept.


Song: The Chorus of Far Far Away on Judea’s Plains
And the Shepherds come and stood in wonder and awe — silent and ever watchful. There is light in the stable, but not the light of men. The eternal light that shelters and protects and keeps man warm. This is the light that shines for them — for the shepherds come down from the hills. The smallest Shepherd reaches out his hand and for a moment, I see glory in his eyes, and I know he will never feel cold again. They drop to their knees. Little one, they know. They are a witness unto this hour. They of all the hundreds unaware, know that Thou art the Christ.


Song: The First Noel Verse 1
Little one, Thou art His Son, but Thou art my babe. Thou art the world’s hope, but my joy. Thou art the soul’s savior, but my heart. My arms ache with desire to shield from Thee, all the hurts that be. Sleep in the shelter of my arms, Nestle deep into my breast. Feel the love I shelter Thee. Sleep my little one while night is nigh. Rest thy head upon my arm — it pillows thee. Clasp Thy hand around my finger — it anchors Thee. Sleep my little one. Rest upon the fragrant hay — symbol of humility. Lullaby — Lullaby. Close thy eyes, I’ll watch for thee, and safely keep, till it be day.


Song: The Virgins Lullabye – soloist
Days have passed, but the wonder of this dear sweet babe is close to me. The world is strangely quite. Bells ring not, nor do people sing praises to the most High. Life seems placid enough, but underneath the sham of civilized man — evil persists. I see still the torment and pangs of the starved, the ill and the weak. Is there no where on earth that there was light at His birth. The Shepherds — true. But they have come and gone. Have they forgotten? Ah, who knocks? Come. Surely thou art kings! What precious gifts you have and for whom? Of course, for Him — For the King of all Kings. And the Lord gave light unto the Kings far to the East who are wise unto fulfillment — and they have come. They kneel in their robes of silk, and the room is heavy with the delicate perfume of the East. Thank thee, oh Lord, another witness unto His Birth.


Song: We Three Kings Verse 1
And now my son, Thee have growing to do and strength to gather, and deeds and words, and work for Thou art given that man might live. Already the sorrow of eternal woman is mine. To bear, to care, to relinquish. Give me, Oh Lord that I might succor Him, May I bathe His baby bruises. May I ease His childish ills. May I give comfort and peace and offer a refuge of love for all His days. Oh Lord, let men remember this life He gives for them. Let them ever hear anew, and turn not away. Strange that man might fail to praise and worship Thee when Thou art near. Awake, Man, thy deliverer is come. A message He brings to a world full of trouble. To a world of sorrow, he brings joy, And where there is hate, love, Where there is indifference, compassion, Where there is darkness, light, Where there is doubt, truth. Where there is man there is salvation, and all this to every man the Christ is born because God so loved the world.


Song: Silent Night
This program calls for a song called The Virgins Lullabye – solo.
I have tried to find this song and couldn’t. As a result I suggest using another song called “Mary’s Lullaby (tonight he’s mine)”. It fits this program very well. You can also use the song Mary’s Lullaby from the Primary Children’s Song Book.
Special consideration should be given as to who plays the part of Mary.