this is found at LDS.ORG,17884,7174-1,00.html

Official Release of Savior of the World ProductionMaterials to present Savior of the World: His Birth and Resurrection are now available as an optional resource for church or home use. Neither priesthood nor auxiliary leaders should feel obligated to use these materials. Stake and ward cultural arts directors and activities chairmen interested in presenting this production should first seek approval and direction from stake presidents and bishops. For Church-sponsored productions, priesthood leaders should authorize use of Church resources and approve rehearsal and performance schedules.

The original production was prepared for the inauguration of the Church’s Conference Center Theater in Salt Lake City, Utah, as a testimony of the Savior on the second millennial anniversary of His birth. As a scripturally based depiction of events surrounding the birth and resurrection of the Savior, this presentation can be useful in building testimonies, strengthening friendships, and sharing the gospel with those of other faiths.

Copyrights for all materials on this Web site, including script, score, orchestral tracks, graphics, and production materials, are held by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. These resources are provided free of charge for noncommercial church or home use. For all other uses, please request permission through the Church’s Intellectual Property Office.




Production Suggestions and Assistance
For those interested in staging Savior of the World, suggestions regarding casting, costumes, set design, and props are available under Production Helps. Historical background is also provided on ancient Jewish customs related to the script.

Download Production Materials
Script, score, production notes, and audio tracks for Savior of the World can all be downloaded to assist individuals, wards, and stakes in planning and presenting the production.