All Dressed in White

By Sherrie Coombs-Larsen

A baby girl, all dressed in white
Sleeps in her daddy’s arms so tight.

A blessing is given in solemn prayer
Asking for God’s love and care.

This tiny baby so sweet and pure,
Soon will grow and mature.

At eight years old, all dressed in white
Again, her daddy holds her tight.

In a pool of water, he stands by her side
Family and friends all watch with pride.

He repeats the words of the Baptismal Prayer.
She receives the Holy Ghost, and the Gospel to share.

Again, her daddy stands by her side.
No longer a child, but a “Beautiful Bride”.

As she kneels at the altar, all dressed in white
Her Eternal Mate holds her hand tight.

Their love for each other Forever will be
As their Marriage is Sealed for Eternity.

These three white dresses so lovely and rare
Began with a blessing, for God’s love and care.

Written for Makena on her Wedding Day
May 16, 2007