When Johnny was six years old, he was with his father when they when they were caught speeding. His father handed the officer a five-dollar bill with his driver’s license. “It’s O.K.. son,” his father said as drove off. “Everybody does It.”
When he was eight, he was permitted at a family council, presided over by Uncle George, on the surest means to shave points off the Income tax return. “It’s O.K., Kid,” his uncle said. ~Everybody does it.”
When he was nine, his mother took him to his first theater production. The box office man couldn’t find any seats until mother discovered an extra two dollars in her purse.’ It’s O.K., Son’, ” she said. “Everybody does it.
When he was twelve, he broke his glasses on the way to school. His Aunt Francine persuaded the insurance company that they had been stolen on is way to and they collected $27.00. “It’s O.K., Kid,” she said. ‘Everybody- body does it.”
When he was fifteen, he made right guard on the high school football team. His coach showed him how to block and at the same time grab the opposing end by the shirt so the official couldn’t see It. “It’s O.K., Kid,” the coach said. “Everybody does It.”
When he was sixteen, he took his first summer job at the big market. His assignment was to put the over-rlpe tomatoes on the bottom of the box and the good ones on top where they would show. “It’s O.K., Kid,” the manager said. ‘Everybody does It.”
When he was eighteen, Johnny and a neighbor applied for a college scholarship. Johnny was a marginal student. His neighbor was In the upper three per cent of his class, but he couldn’t play right guard. Johnny got the assignment. “It’s O.K.,” they told him. “Everybody does It.”
When he was nineteen, he was approached by an upper classman who offered the test answers for three dollars. “It’s O.K., Kid,” he said. “Everybody does it.”
Johnny was caught and sat home in disgrace. “How could you do this to your mother and me?” his father said. “You never learned anything like this at home.” His aunt and uncle were also shocked. If there’s one thing the adult world can’t stand, it’s a kid who cheats.
Author unknown