Most of these quotes have printables, a few don't.
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- Bonnie L. Oscarson
- Boyd K. Packer
- Bradley D. Foster
- Bruce R. McConkie
- Chieko N. Okazaki
- Craig C. Christensen
- D. Todd Christofferson
- Dale G. Renlund
- Dallin H. Oaks
- David A. Bednar
- As we desire and invite the Holy Ghost Quote… David A. Bednar
- Ordinary people who faithfully…. quote
- The Lord knows who we really are…quote David A. Bednar
- We all carry burdens…quote David A. Bednar
- We should remember that saying ‘I love you’ ….David A. Bednar
- You and I in a moment of weakness may…quote DAVID A. BEDNAR
- David F. Evans
- David O. McKay
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- As we emulate…. Uchtdorf
- As we lose ourselves in the service of others…quote
- Blessings come not because of abilities but because of our choices…quote
- By becoming the answer to someone’s prayer…quote Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- Doubt your Doubts before you doubt your faith
- Five Messages All of God’s Children Need to Hear
- Forget Me Not – Handouts
- God Calls to You…quote
- God is fully aware…quote
- He is the promised Messiah – President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- Isn’t it wonderful to know that we don’t have to be perfect
- Let our hearts and hands be stretched out in compassion
- No matter our circumstances…quote
- Our destiny is not determined…Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- Our Heavenly Father sees our real potential….quote
- Preach the gospel at all times and if necessary, use words. -Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- The Lord uses a scale very different from the world’s to weigh the worth of a soul.
- This is our high and holy calling…Quote
- We are not perfect…quote
- You Are Not Alone Quote by Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- Edward Dube
- Elaine S. Dalton
- Ezra Taft Benson
- F. Burton Howard
- Gary E. Stevenson
- George Albert Smith
- Gordon B. Hinckley
- Harold B. Lee
- Heber J Grant
- Henry B. Eyring
- Angels, shepherds, and Wise Men sought…quote
- Count your many blessings – Talk
- Don’t worry about how inexperienced you…quote
- Every person is different…quote
- Exhort Them to Pray , President Henry B. Eyring
- If we have faith in Jesus Christ…quote
- My promise to you who pray and serve the Lord…quote
- We can love, listen, show, and testify.
- You could ask yourself, ‘How did God Bless me today? Quote by Henry B. Eyring
- Ian S Arden
- Jack N. Gerard
- Jean B Bingham
- Jeffrey R. Holland
- Don’t you quit. You keep walking…quote Jeffrey R. Holland
- Elder Holland shares keys to happiness
- God is eagerly waiting for the chance to answer your prayers…
- I testify that the Savior’s Atonement Quote… Jeffrey R Holland
- Mothers Pure Love Quote
- The call is to come back, to stay true, to love God, and to lend a hand. -Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
- The Ministry of Angels
- We have neighbors to bless Quote
- When making decisions Quote by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
- Joseph Smith
- Joy D. Jones
- Julie B. Beck
- L Tom Perry
- L. Whitney Clayton
- Linda K. Burton
- M. Russell Ballard
- Mary N. Cook
- Michael T. Ringwoo
- Michelle D. Craig
- Neal A. Maxwell
- Neil L Andersen
- Neill F. Marriott
- Orson F. Whitney
- Quentin L. Cook
- Reyna I. Aburto
- Richard G. Scott
- Robert D Hales
- Role of Womanhood by N. Eldon Tanner
- Russell M. Nelson
- As we invest time in learning about the Savior…quote
- Five specific actions to maintain positive spiritual momentum… Pres Nelson
- I promise that as you prayerfully study the Book of Mormon…quote
- In coming days Quote… Russell M Nelson
- Our Father knows …quote
- The Lord does not expect Quote… Russell M Nelson
- The Sabbath Is a Delight…quote
- We need women (A Plea to My Sisters)…quote
- What we choose to do here will determine …quote
- Women see things differently than men do ….. quote by Russell M. Nelson
- Your children will be excited to learn…..quote by Russell M. Nelson
- Sharon Eubank
- Sheri Dew
- Spencer W. Kimball
- Stanley G. Ellis
- Stephen W. Owen
- Thomas S. Monson
- Choose your love; love your choice
- Dare to be a Mormon
- Don’t limit yourself…quote
- He is not here: for he is risen…quote
- I have found that, rather than dwelling on the negative…
- If you want to give a light – quote
- It is simple…God’s Love – by Pres Monson
- Life by the yard is hard; by the inch it’s a cinch
- Living the Abundant Life By President Thomas S. Monson
- May we ever choose the harder right, instead of the easier wrong
- Miracles are everywhere…quote
- More Quotes from Thomas S. Monson
- Never postpone a prompting -Thomas S. Monson
- Obedience Brings Blessings By President Thomas S. Monson
- Precious Promises of the Book of Mormon
- Sincerely giving thanks…quote
- So much in life depends on our attitude…quote
- The Savior has always shown unlimited capacity for compassion…quote
- The Three Rs of Choice
- To express gratitude is gracious and honorable… quote
- We are the Lord’s hands here upon the earth…quote

- Bonnie L. Oscarson
- Boyd K. Packer
- Bradley D. Foster
- Bruce R. McConkie
- Chieko N. Okazaki
- Craig C. Christensen
- D. Todd Christofferson
- Dale G. Renlund
- Dallin H. Oaks
- David A. Bednar
- David F. Evans
- David O. McKay
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- Edward Dube
- Elaine S. Dalton
- Ezra Taft Benson
- F. Burton Howard
- Gary E. Stevenson
- George Albert Smith
- Gordon B. Hinckley
- Harold B. Lee
- Heber J Grant
- Henry B. Eyring
- Ian S Arden
- Jack N. Gerard
- Jean B Bingham
- Jeffrey R. Holland
- Joseph Smith
- Joy D. Jones
- Julie B. Beck
- L Tom Perry
- L. Whitney Clayton
- Linda K. Burton
- M. Russell Ballard
- Mary N. Cook
- Michael T. Ringwoo
- Michelle D. Craig
- Neal A. Maxwell
- Neil L Andersen
- Neill F. Marriott
- Orson F. Whitney
- Quentin L. Cook
- Reyna I. Aburto
- Richard G. Scott
- Robert D Hales
- Role of Womanhood by N. Eldon Tanner
- Russell M. Nelson
- Sharon Eubank
- Sheri Dew
- Spencer W. Kimball
- Stanley G. Ellis
- Stephen W. Owen
- Thomas S. Monson